
A tweet-sized, fork-to-play, community-curated collection of JavaScript.

How to play

1. Click the ![Fork](https://d3nwyuy0nl342s.cloudfront.net/images/gist/buttons/fork_button.png) button above to fork this gist.
2. Modify all the files to according to the rules below.
3. Save your entry and tweet it up!

All entries must exist in an `index.js` file, whose contents are

1. a valid Javascript function expression, that
2. optionally self-executes,
2. contains no more than 140 bytes, and
3. does not pollute global scope.

All entries must also be licensed under the MIT license.

For more information

The [140byt.es](http://140byt.es) site hasn't launched yet, but for now follow [@140bytes](http://twitter.com/140bytes) on Twitter.

140byt.es is brought to you by [Jed Schmidt](http://jed.is). It was inspired by work from [Thomas Fuchs](http://mir.aculo.us) and [Dustin Diaz](http://www.dustindiaz.com/).