140byt.es ========= A tweet-sized, fork-to-play, community-curated collection of JavaScript. How to play ----------- 1. Click the  button above to fork this gist. 2. Modify all the files to according to the rules below. 3. Save your entry and tweet it up! Rules ----- All entries must exist in an `index.js` file, whose contents are 1. a valid Javascript function expression, that 2. optionally self-executes, 2. contains no more than 140 bytes, and 3. does not pollute global scope. All entries must also be licensed under the MIT license. For more information -------------------- The [140byt.es](http://140byt.es) site hasn't launched yet, but for now follow [@140bytes](http://twitter.com/140bytes) on Twitter. 140byt.es is brought to you by [Jed Schmidt](http://jed.is). It was inspired by work from [Thomas Fuchs](http://mir.aculo.us) and [Dustin Diaz](http://www.dustindiaz.com/).