The following research paper comes from my R&D efforts in new methods of zero-shot prompting for language models. I am sharing it here because a) it's a great idea and I'm continuing to explore it, but also b) it showcases some incredible emergent behavior from Claude 3 Opus, who included each of the associated citations in-line as it was writing the overall draft, and then it recapped all the citations at the end.
Please note that what you are reading below is the direct output from Claude 3, as yet unedited by me. It reflects the thoughts and findings of a lengthy discussion on creating an "action semantics" layer for ontological frameworks.
A critical eye will be quick to find shortcomings in this material, but please note this is a single unrefined output from an AI language model, albeit a powerful one. There are some impressive parts of the output, and some that are merely representative of what a final output could look like with the proper R&D followthrough.