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emasantos /
Last active February 19, 2019 16:21
Benefits of Working With Multiple Monitors

My home setup (aka Battlestation) includes a main 40" 4K monitor in the middle and two secondary 22" vertical monitors on the sides. I run Windows 10.

Benefits of Working With Multiple Monitors

  • Easier to compare two identical reports, files, documents and images side by side.
  • Instant visual feedback when a task ends (I push long running windows to corners or side monitors):
    • Moving files, FTP operations, backups, command line operations, scans, searches, etc.
  • No more Desktop. All the most used apps are Pinned in the Windows Taskbar.
emasantos / how-to-add-composer-to-cmder.cmd
Created February 19, 2019 16:06
How to add Composer to Cmder
:: 1. Download Composer into Cmder vendor directory
:: 2. Add the following line to your user_alias.cmd file within Cmder
:: 3. Enjoy your fully portable Composer installation
composer=php "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\composer-1.8.4\composer.phar" $*
emasantos / how-to-add-php-to-cmder.cmd
Last active May 11, 2023 20:07
How to add PHP to Cmder
:: 1. Download your PHP version into Cmder vendor directory
:: 2. Add the following line to your user_profile.cmd file within Cmder
:: 3. Enjoy your fully portable PHP installation
@set "PATH=%PATH%;%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\php-7.3.2-nts-Win32-VC15-x64"
emasantos / how-to-bypass-cloudflare-cache-with-wordpress.php
Last active February 17, 2019 14:21
How to bypass Cloudflare cache with Wordpress
- Admin users will get a different URL with a bypass argument.
- The original clean URL will be cached in CloudFlare without the admin bar.
- The bypass URL argument ensures that CloudFlare shows you the most recent version of the page/data.
function efAddByPassParamToUrl($url)
$time = time();
emasantos /
Last active February 13, 2019 16:43
Download All The Organization Repositories in GitHub With Windows
emasantos / wordpress-polylang-plugin-default-language.php
Last active February 13, 2019 16:45
Set default language with Wordpress Polylang plugin.
add_filter('the_content', 'lngSetDefaultLanguageAsPortuguese');
* @param string $content
* @return string
function lngSetDefaultLanguageAsPortuguese($content)
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