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Henrik Eneroth eneroth

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ctataryn / gist:1401486
Created November 28, 2011 18:46
Clojure Create Tables
(ns my.ns
(:use [korma.db])
(:use [korma.core])
(:require [ :as sql]))
(def dbspec {:classname "org.h2.Driver"
:subprotocol "h2"
:subname "~/db/myapp"
:user "sa"
:password ""})
kohyama /
Created December 11, 2012 05:56
Clojure tips infrequently used

Clojure tips infrequently used

To get names of methods of a class

(map #(.getName %) (.getMethods
; -> ("equals" "toString" "hashCode" "compareTo" "compareTo" "getName" "length" "getParent" "isAbsolute" "getCanonicalPath" "setReadOnly" "list" "list" "delete" "getParentFile" "getPath" "getAbsolutePath" "getAbsoluteFile" "getCanonicalFile" "toURL" "toURI" "canRead" "canWrite" "exists" "isDirectory" "isFile" "isHidden" "lastModified" "createNewFile" "deleteOnExit" "listFiles" "listFiles" "listFiles" "mkdir" "mkdirs" "renameTo" "setLastModified" "setWritable" "setWritable" "setReadable" "setReadable" "setExecutable" "setExecutable" "canExecute" "listRoots" "getTotalSpace" "getFreeSpace" "getUsableSpace" "createTempFile" "createTempFile" "wait" "wait" "wait" "getClass" "notify" "notifyAll")