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enigma/echo.clj Secret

Created September 13, 2023 09:21
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Lenient echo.clj that ignores all unkown program, useful to trigger a bad maelstrom scenario in the kafka workflow.
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(ns maelstrom.echo
[cheshire.core :as json]))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Util functions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;; Input pre-processing functions ;;;;;;
(defn- process-stdin
"Read lines from the stdin and calls the handler"
(doseq [line (line-seq ( *in*))]
(handler line)))
(defn- parse-json
"Parse the received input as json"
(json/parse-string input true)
(catch Exception e
;;;;;; Output Generating functions ;;;;;;
(defn- generate-json
"Generate json string from input"
(json/generate-string input))
(defn- printerr
"Print the received input to stderr"
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println input)))
(defn- printout
"Print the received input to stdout"
(println input))
(defn reply
([src dest body]
{:src src
:dest dest
:body body}))
(def node-id (atom ""))
(def next-message-id (atom 0))
(defn- process-request
(let [body (:body input)
r-body {:msg_id (swap! next-message-id inc)
:in_reply_to (:msg_id body)}]
(case (:type body)
(reset! node-id (:node_id body))
(reply @node-id
(:src input)
(assoc r-body :type "init_ok")))
(reply @node-id
(:src input)
(assoc r-body
:type "echo_ok"
:echo (:echo body)))
nil ;; silently ignore unknown messages
(defn -main
"Read transactions from stdin and send output to stdout"
(process-stdin (comp
#(when %
(-> % generate-json printout))
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