The official installation instructions for pgModeler recommends installing Xcode and the Enterprise DB distribution of Postgres to fulfill its build requirements. Luckily, Homebrew's got us covered!
Checkout the source
I have marked with a * those which I think are absolutely essential | |
Items for each section are sorted by oldest to newest. Come back soon for more! | |
BASH | |
* In bash, 'ctrl-r' searches your command history as you type | |
- Input from the commandline as if it were a file by replacing | |
'command <' with 'command <<< "some input text"' | |
- '^' is a sed-like operator to replace chars from last command | |
'ls docs; ^docs^web^' is equal to 'ls web'. The second argument can be empty. | |
* '!!:n' selects the nth argument of the last command, and '!$' the last arg |
import express from 'express'; | |
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; | |
import router from './router.js'; | |
const server = express(); | |
// Server-side rendering of the React app | |
server.get('*', (req, res, next) => { | |
const css = new Set(); | |
// The context.insertCss() function will be called by `withStyles` |
.container { padding: 10px; } | |
.title { color: "red"; font-size: 24px; } | |
.body { font-size: 15px; } |
import React from 'react'; | |
import withStyles from 'isomorphic-style-loader/lib/withStyles'; | |
import styles from './MyComponent.scss'; | |
function MyComponent(props, context) { | |
return ( | |
<div className={styles.container}> | |
<h1 className={styles.title}>Hello, world!</h1> | |
<div className={styles.body}> | |
Here goes some more text… |
.my-component-container { padding: 10px; } | |
.my-component-title { color: "red"; font-size: 24px; } | |
.my-component-body { font-size: 15px; } |
import React from 'react'; | |
import withStyles from 'isomorphic-style-loader/lib/withStyles'; | |
import styles from './MyComponent.scss'; | |
function MyComponent(props, context) { | |
return ( | |
<div className="my-component-container"> | |
<h1 className="my-component-title">Hello, world!</h1> | |
<div className="my-component-body"> | |
Here goes some more text… |
The official installation instructions for pgModeler recommends installing Xcode and the Enterprise DB distribution of Postgres to fulfill its build requirements. Luckily, Homebrew's got us covered!
Checkout the source