Run the command:
cat /etc/os-release
Virtual environments allow you to install dependencies without conflicting with your current installs. | |
## Installing | |
[sudo] pip install virtualenv | |
sudo /usr/bin/easy_install virtualenv | |
"" Running |
If a module was installed with sudo pip install, the user may not have permissions to access the module, | |
resulting in 'No module called...' errors. | |
Quick get around: run py script with sudo |
Run the command:
cat /etc/os-release
If you don't need analog audio then prevent the module from loading and set the USB headset as the default device.
Disable analog audio. Open /boot/config.txt and comment out dtparam=audio=on.
Set the USB audio device to the default device. Open /lib/modprobe.d/aliases.conf and comment out the line options snd-usb-audio index=-2
This walks you through setting up your Raspberry PI 3 (Raspbian Jessie) as a bluetooth audio receiver.
Credits Parts of this tutorial did not work for me, so I'm noting my fixes here. Also, I added instructions for setting up a custom USB sound card for better quality.
This walks you through installing JACK, connecting a USB sound card, and copying the audio on the input port onto the output port. The result: you will hear what you say played back immediately from the headphones.
sudo pip install setuptools
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
tar -zxvf myfile.tar.gz |
This walks you through routing the microphone's audio to your headphones. I've tested it on a Raspberry PI (Raspbian Jessie).
In the context of a speech-to-text/IoT project, I needed to capture the audio output of one device and feed it to the mic of my raspberry PI. This gist is stricly concerned with the hardware aspect. Since I wanted to capture speech, not music, I used only one channel of the stereo audio