Doom-Emacs is a Emacs framework, Emacs is a huge software with multiple packages and ways to do everything, doom-emacs try to make that a little bit easier for most new users offering a simpler way to install and manage most important packages and configs, under the hood it's a lot of elisp code that install most useful Emacs packages, manage packages state, improves performance with multiple tweaks and offer all of that in a easy opt-in/out way to final users via modules.
Doom uses under the hood the evil-mode
package, which is a package that tries to bring Vim's commands and motion to Emacs, so knowing vim helps a lot how to use Doom emacs, although you don't need to understand vim to start using it.
- Emacs 27.1+ (Mac users:
brew install emacs-plus@28 --with-native-comp
), more details here. - [ripgrep](