This is a suite of UGens written to combat vanilla SuperCollider limitations on audio buffer access and playback, by enabling double precision UGen inputs and outputs.
SCSynth only supports passing 32-bit floating point values to/from sclang and between UGens. Therefore the BufRd UGen takes a 32-bit float as an index into a buffer. The problem is that a 32-bit float only has about 7 digits of precision, which means that using BufRd to play an audio buffer at a playback rate of 0.3, I start noticing major artifacts around 2**20 samples in (20 seconds at 48k).
Because UGen ins and outs are 32-bit floats, the indexing accuracy progressively decreases the later into a buffer one tries to access using BufRd, resulting in progressively more audible artifacts over time.