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Diego etale-cohomology

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@contextlib.contextmanager # Create factory function for *with* context managers
def timeit():
"""Time execution of code, based on time.clock(). Call using a *with* statement!
with timeit():
a @ a
start = time.clock()
yield # The decorated func must return a generator-iterator
etale-cohomology /
Created March 11, 2016 00:51
A small working example of vispy, along with some notes
"""Vispy is based on OpenGL ES 2.0.
Vispy offers a Pythonic object-oriented interface to OpenGL, useful to those
who know OpenGL.
It is critical to use as few OpenGL draw calls as possible. Every draw incurs
a significant overhead. High performance is achieved by rendering all similar
primitive types at once (batch rendering).
The vertex shader is executed for EACH vertex that is given to the rendering
etale-cohomology /
Created March 11, 2016 00:53
Save a NumPy array to disk with optional compression using 7z
def save_ndarray(ndarray, filename, compress=False):
"""Store a single NumPy array on an .npy binary file. Tries to keep allow_pickle at False.
Optional multithreaded compression using 7-zip (needs to be in the PATH).
ndarray (ndarray): Array to be stored on disk.
filename (str): The file's name on disk. No need for .npy extension
compress (bool, optional): Set to True to save array as .npy and then compress it to .7z
etale-cohomology /
Created March 11, 2016 00:54
Load a NumPy array from disk, either from a .npy file or from a .7z file. No need to include extension
def load_ndarray(filename):
"""Load a NumPy array from disk into memory, with extension .npy or .7z. If no extension is
included in the argument, first assume it's .npy, then .7z.
filename (str): Name of the NumPy array (in disk).
etale-cohomology /
Last active October 12, 2017 09:50
A minimal CUDA program that naively performs vector addition, component-wise!
// Compile and run with:
// nvcc -o add1 && ./add1
// This minimal CUDA program performs vector addition, component-wise!
#include <stdio.h>
#define N_ELEMENTS 8
etale-cohomology /
Created October 11, 2017 21:44
The fundamental theorem of calculus, in discrete version!
# The fundamental theorem of calculus, in discrete version!
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200, precision=2)
print('This Python snippet shows how the sum of many differences is one difference of endpoinds!')
print('You can consider this the "discrete fundamental theorem of calculus"!')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
etale-cohomology / compress HTTP GET requests
Last active October 21, 2021 00:12
The 'Accept-Encoding' HTTP request header can be used to tell the HTTP server you want compressed data. The server responds with a `Content-Encoding` header.
curl --header 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' | gunzip -