I'd recommend to keep project structure simple and straight forward:
# any static content to include into templates
# all needed dynamic templates
In education purpose, I'll use single node version of VictoriaMetrics.
Lets say we have 2 zones: zone-a and zone-b. Separate cluster must be deploy to the both zones with commands:
helm upgrade -i zone-a vm/victoria-metrics-cluster -f zone.yaml
serviceMonitor: | |
enabled: true | |
alertmanager: | |
enabled: true | |
persistentVolume: | |
enabled: false | |
replicas: 1 | |
resources: | |
limits: |
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -days 1825 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout rootCA.key -out rootCA.crt -nodes
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout vmstorage_0.key -out vmstorage_0.csr
# copy or download dockerfile
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/f41gh7/98ad3323cbdd46476595b6a8b753cce9/raw/83df07d56bf36cdba019e6663ee77c1e1649a7a1/cron-vmbackup.Dockerfile
# edit args for your vmbackup config at docker file