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fanievh / Generate Markdown Report.ajs
Created October 4, 2023 12:20
Generate a Markdown Report of all Views in a Selected Folder #jArchi
* Generate a Markdown Report of all Views in a Selected Folder
* Based on smileham/Export to Markdown.ajs -
* (c) 2018 Steven Mileham
* Requires jArchi -
* Markdown -
fanievh / Export Selected Folder to New Model.ajs
Last active April 25, 2024 14:13
Export Selected Folder in Source Model to New Target Model #jArchi
* Export Selected Folder in Source Model to New Target Model
* This script copies a selected subset of a source model to a target model. The folder selected
* in the source model, will become the top level folder in the Views folder in the target model. Only
* elements, relationships, diagram objects, connections and images on any of the views in the selected
* folder in the source model, will be created in the target model.