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class OnlineLearner(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.last_misses = 0.
self.iratio = 0. = 1.
self.l = kwargs["l"]
self.max_ratio = -np.inf
self.threshold = 500.
def hinge_loss(self, vector, cls, weight):
fgregg /
Created August 30, 2012 19:00
Extract shapes for pdf of map
# Requires pstoedit ( and gdal ( )
# Convert PDF to DXF format, assign each color to a different layer, and only write the layer that corresponds to
# hex color #B8B9BA
pstoedit -f 'dxf: -ctl -dumplayernames -layers CB8-B9-BA' map_housing_stock_north.pdf parcels.dxf
# Convert DXF to KML
ogr2ogr -f "KML" parcels.kml parcels.dxf
fgregg /
Created September 21, 2012 13:42
Assignment one, consolidate thes functions
def recordDistances(candidates, data_d, data_model):
# The record array has two elements, the first element is an array
# of floats that has length equal the number of fields. The second
# argument is a array of length 2 which stores the id of the
# considered elements in the pair.
fields = data_model['fields']
field_dtype = [('names', 'a20', len(fields)), ('values', 'f4',
# In
def topic_classifier(title) :
if 'Damage to vehicle claim' in title :
return ['Routine', 'Damage to vehicle claim']
if 'Damage to property claim' in title :
return ['Routine', 'Damage to property claim']
if 'Excessive water rate claim' in title :
# Read in the data
days <- read.csv('all_years.csv')
# Plot all the data
plot(total_count ~ temp_max, days, col=rgb(0,0,0, .3))
# Fit a cubic polynomial to the data
m1 <- lm(total_count ~ temp_max + I(temp_max^2) + I(temp_max^3), days)
# Extract the coefficents
from numpy import *
import pymc
from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import distributions as d
#parameters about the da
dimensions = 5
observations = 30
shape = (dimensions, observations)
fgregg /
Last active December 18, 2015 08:09
from numpy import *
import pymc
from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import distributions as d
#parameters about the da
dimensions = 5
observations = 30
shape = (dimensions, observations)
Author: Oliver Mitevski
A Generalized Linear Model for Principal Component Analysis of Binary Data,
Andrew I. Schein; Lawrence K. Saul; Lyle H. Ungar
The code was translated and adapted from Jakob Verbeek's
"Hidden Markov models and mixtures for Binary PCA" implementation in MATLAB
fgregg /
Created June 12, 2013 17:32
Getting images out of Chicago 311 API
import three
chi ='chicago')
yesterday_graffiti = chi.requests(service_code='4fd3b167e750846744000005',
print len(yesterday_graffiti)
City of Chicago
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