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Florian JUDITH fjudith

  • Canada
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fjudith /
Last active June 14, 2017 21:18
Prepare Coreos for Ceph-Docker on Kubernetes

Prepare Coreos for Ceph-Docker on Kubernetes


This guide relies on the osd-directory method of described in ceph-docker documentation, which assumes that osd dedicated disk is already formatted an mounted in '/home/core/data/ceph/osd'.


jinja2-cli on windows

Ceph docker relies on jinja2 for template to generate yaml templates to be deployed in kubernetes Install Python 2.7, then run the following command lines to install jinja2-cli.

fjudith / Format-CoreOSDisk.ps1
Last active June 8, 2017 22:23
Powershell workflow script used to format and/or mount attached disk to a Coreos hosts in parallel.
Workflow Format-CoreOSDisk{
$HardDrive, #@{'/dev/sdb'='xfs@/mnt/data1';'/dev/sdc'='btrfs@/mnt/data2'}
fjudith /
Created May 23, 2017 08:57
Build sigil on Windows

run from docker host "docker ssh default"

sudo docker run -it --rm --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock golang
go get
pushd src/
sed -i "s#linux#linux,windows#g" ./Makefile
make deps
make install
fjudith /
Created April 19, 2017 21:44
uuidgen.exe using Go/Golang


Create a file named uuidgen.go.

package main

import (