I hereby claim:
- I am fscm on github.
- I am fscm (https://keybase.io/fscm) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is F783 A496 E2A9 685E 5BCB 5464 A704 01A7 C067 F312
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Instructions on how to install OpenJDK on macOS.
First step should be to unsinstall any previous OpenJDK installation. This step can be skipped if no OpenJDK version was previously installed.
To uninstall any previous OpenJDK installations use the following commands:
Instructions on how to install the Go programming language on macOS.
First step should be to unsinstall any previous Go installation. This step can be skipped if no Go version was previously installed.
To uninstall any previous Go installations use the following commands:
Instructions on how to install the Python 3 programming language on macOS.
First step should be to unsinstall any previous Python 3 installation. This step can be skipped if no Python 3 version was previously installed.
This will completelly remove any Python 3 previously installed. If you which to keep the user modules installed with
you should skip the last command.
Instructions on how to install the Haskell Platform on macOS.
First step should be to unsinstall any previous Haskel installation. This step can be skipped if no Haskell Platform was previously installed.
This will completelly remove any Haskell Platform previously installed. If you which to keep the libraries installed with
you should skip the last command.