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Fangdun Tsai fundon

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fundon / ClosestPointOnEllipse.cs
Created June 17, 2024 00:43 — forked from JohannesMP/ClosestPointOnEllipse.cs
[C#, Unity3D] Quickly find the closest point on an ellipse centered on the origin.
using UnityEngine;
using Math = System.Math;
public static class NearestPointTo
/// <summary>
/// Find the closest point on an ellipse centered on the origin.
/// </summary>
/// Credit:
/// 2015-09 Original Paper by Luc. Maisonobe
fundon /
Last active November 3, 2021 02:57
Docs 构建引擎


  • 代码复制
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  • MarkdownLint
fundon /
Created August 6, 2021 14:25 — forked from ctsrc/
How to run FreeBSD 13.0-BETA1 for ARM64 in QEMU on Apple Silicon Mac (MacBook Pro M1, etc)
fundon /
Last active January 23, 2024 08:34
smol 16threads vs tokio 16threads
//! An HTTP server based on `hyper`.
//! Run with:
//! ```
//! cargo run --example hyper-server
//! ```
//! Open in the browser any of these addresses:
fundon /
Created April 29, 2020 07:17
smol spawn vs tokio spawn
//! An HTTP server based on `hyper`.
//! Run with:
//! ```
//! cargo run --example hyper-server
//! ```
//! Using
//! ```
fundon /
Created March 4, 2020 09:59
Opencore Builder includes Drivers and Kexts
#!/usr/bin/env fish
function build
set -l mode $argv[1]; set -q $mode ; and set mode Debug
xcodebuild -configuration $mode > /dev/null
function package
set -l mode $argv[1]
set -l repo $argv[2]
fundon / .profile
Last active July 16, 2021 05:54
New macOS
# ~/.profile
export HTTP_PROXY=
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
diff --git a/ios-deploy.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/ios-deploy.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
index c58f9d8..6c46afe 100644
--- a/ios-deploy.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/ios-deploy.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
- shellScript = "echo \"\\\"# AUTO-GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY\\n\\\"\" > src/ios-deploy/\nawk '{ print \"\\\"\"$0\"\\\\n\\\"\"}' src/scripts/ >> src/ios-deploy/";
+ shellScript = "awk '{ print \"\\\"\"$0\"\\\\n\\\"\"}' src/scripts/ > src/ios-deploy/";
fundon /
Created July 5, 2017 08:13 — forked from KartikTalwar/
Rsync over SSH - (40MB/s over 1GB NICs)

The fastest remote directory rsync over ssh archival I can muster (40MB/s over 1gb NICs)

This creates an archive that does the following:

rsync (Everyone seems to like -z, but it is much slower for me)

  • a: archive mode - rescursive, preserves owner, preserves permissions, preserves modification times, preserves group, copies symlinks as symlinks, preserves device files.
  • H: preserves hard-links
  • A: preserves ACLs