Preparation for CKA with Kubernetes version 1.17.1 on REDHAT 8
% | Domain |
08% | Application Lifecycle Management |
12% | Installation, Configuration & Validation |
19% | Core Concepts |
11% | Networking |
# Gawk version | |
# Remote | |
grep -v "rem_address" /proc/net/tcp | awk '{x=strtonum("0x"substr($3,index($3,":")-2,2)); for (i=5; i>0; i-=2) x = x"."strtonum("0x"substr($3,i,2))}{print x":"strtonum("0x"substr($3,index($3,":")+1,4))}' | |
# Local | |
grep -v "rem_address" /proc/net/tcp | awk '{x=strtonum("0x"substr($2,index($2,":")-2,2)); for (i=5; i>0; i-=2) x = x"."strtonum("0x"substr($2,i,2))}{print x":"strtonum("0x"substr($2,index($2,":")+1,4))}' | |
# No Gawk | |
# Local | |
grep -v "rem_address" /proc/net/tcp | awk 'function hextodec(str,ret,n,i,k,c){ |
import { sleep, group, check } from "k6"; | |
import http from "k6/http"; | |
export let options = { | |
thresholds: { | |
// 95% of requests must finish within 500 ms & 99% within 1500 ms | |
http_req_duration: ['p(95) < 500', 'p(99) < 1500'], | |
}, | |
}; |