A example of using ScrollMagic to trigger Anime.js animations. Some of the animations are set to play when triggered and some are set to progress as the user scrolls the page.
A Pen by Rex Bullington on CodePen.
.container | |
- for (i = 0; i < 400; i++) | |
.trigger | |
.monitor | |
.camera.o-x | |
.camera.o-y | |
.camera.o-z | |
.vr | |
- for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) | |
.vr_layer |
A example of using ScrollMagic to trigger Anime.js animations. Some of the animations are set to play when triggered and some are set to progress as the user scrolls the page.
A Pen by Rex Bullington on CodePen.
From the BBC's series: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w13xttx2
I initially tried it with html/css masking/clipping but it was very poor cross browser with the things I needed to do with background-clip: text; So just went all out SVG which is far easier.
This is a test showing how the browser's vertical scrollbar can control a Greensock TimelineLite animation.
A Pen by Adrian Parr on CodePen.
<section id="one"> | |
<div class="inner innerS1"> | |
<h1>Simple ScrollMagic Tutorial</h1> | |
<p>Learn how to create a <strong>simple scrolling website</strong> using ScrollMagic</p> | |
</div> | |
</section> | |
<section id="two"> | |
<div class="innerText innerS2"> | |
<h2>Why to learn ScrollMagic?</h2> | |
<ul class="features"> |
A simple card flip effect using Anime.js
A Pen by Marcos Paulo on CodePen.