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Brian Hedberg gemfarmer

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gemfarmer / PermutationStep
Created September 29, 2013 22:10
Input a number Output the next largest number using the same combination of numbers.
function PermutationStep(num) {
var numString = num.toString();
var numArray = numString.split("")
var numArrayStart = [];
var numArrayEnd = [];
for (var i = numArray.length-1; i>0; i--) {
gemfarmer / spliceClean
Created October 5, 2013 21:03
The same as .splice(), but without side effects. "replace" can be several items and the funciton will still work cleanly
var spliceClean = function(arr, start, numToReplace, replace) {
var end = (start+numToReplace-1)
var newArray = [];
for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
(i < start) ? newArray.push(arr[i]) : console.log("rejected")
for (i=3; i<arguments.length; i++){
gemfarmer /
Last active December 26, 2015 21:49
Reciprocity is an app that helps someone create tasty meals with as much of their cupboard as possible. It is a recipe generator that leverages the popularity of ingredient combinations and the absolute popularity of ingredients to suggest combinations based on previously specified ingredients. Community is a large part of the food world, so inc…

Reciprocitry (working title)



  1. CoffeeScript, Node.js/Express
  2. Node.js/Express
  3. MongoDB
  5. APIs (Food2Fork):
gemfarmer / Clothing Temp
Last active December 26, 2015 21:49
The Clothing

Clothing Temp App (working title)



  1. CoffeeScript
  2. Node.js/Express
  3. MongoDB
  5. APIs (Geolocating):
gemfarmer / Food Truck
Last active December 26, 2015 21:59
Food Truck Tracker aggregates food truck location data to help customers find their favorite trucks!

Food Truck Tracker (working title)



  1. CoffeeScript, Node.js/Express
  2. Node.js/Express
  3. MongoDB
  5. APIs (Twitter, Open Street Map)
gemfarmer / Bootcamp
Last active December 27, 2015 00:19
Bootcamp Glassdoor would consolidate information about web development bootcamps to inform potential students of their options. Allow potential employers to browse bootcamps and base their hiring decision based on metrics provided Could potentially be expanded to include a variety of trade schools. A

Bootcamp Glassdoor (working title)



  1. CoffeeScript, Node.js/Express
  2. Node.js/Express
  3. MongoDB
gemfarmer /
Last active December 27, 2015 00:19
Create a web app and mobile app for my friend who runs

Veganizzm App

What would it do?

The app would allow you to..

  1. Search for vegan substitutes to non-vegan ingredients
  2. Search by vegan ingredients or recipe type
  3. House and display vegan recipes added to database
  4. NOT NECESSARY create miniature version of Reciprocity to generate recipes based on provided ingredients * Reciprocity prompts users to submit an ingredient and returns a list of ingredients that it is commonly paired with.
  • Example: Enter Kale -> Return Cashews, Raisins, etc.
gemfarmer / Ranked Choice Voting Algorithm
Created November 8, 2013 16:36
For Minneapolis Open JS
For Minneapolis Open JS
gemfarmer / Cabin Manager
Last active December 29, 2015 09:59
App to manage important cabin-specific information
Cabin Manager--Modern Bulletin Board
Sharing a cabin with many families can lead to confusion.
Who maintenances this? Who maintenances that? Who filled the boat up last? Who? WHo? Who?
Features of this App
*Works well on mobile devices (currently only reliable internet access is on phone)
*Secure user login
*Guest login with access to some, but not all, info
gemfarmer / annoying media query error
Created January 24, 2014 21:01
seemingly simple error. But i have scoured the files with no missing } in the vicinity of any media queries. Also, line 6536 is in the middle of a comment block
Warning: Can't parse CSS: @media missing '}' near line 6536:1 Use --force to continue.