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geofflane / urinal_etiquette.rb
Created February 22, 2012 01:01 — forked from st23am/urinal_etiquette.rb
Test Problem
# Rule 1: Farthest from the door
# Rule 2: Dont stand next to occupied
# Rule 3: Dont stand between 2 dudes
# Except: If line => Ignore 2 & 3
# Except: If 2 or 3 is broken, ignore them
def which_stall(stalls, line)
if line || rules_broken?(stalls)
return furthest_empty(stalls)
geofflane / berlin.rb
Created April 18, 2012 00:00 — forked from jimweirich/
Berlin Clock Kata
require 'time'
class BerlinClock
ON = '*'
OFF = '.'
def initialize(time)
@time = time
geofflane / berlin.clj
Created April 18, 2012 17:29
Berlin Clock Kata in clojure
(import '(java.text SimpleDateFormat))
(defn make-counts [time]
^{:doc "*make-counts* deconstructs a time into the 5 integer
values needed by the berlin clock for each line"
(mod (.getSeconds time) 2)
(unchecked-divide-int (.getHours time) 5)
(mod (.getHours time) 5)
geofflane / Bot.scala
Created November 14, 2012 00:45
Scalatron Bot
import util.Random
// Example Bot #1: The Reference Bot
* This bot builds a 'direction value map' that assigns an attractiveness score to
* each of the eight available 45-degree directions. Additional behaviors:
* - aggressive missiles: approach an enemy master, then explode
* - defensive missiles: approach an enemy slave and annihilate it
geofflane / robot3.rb
Created November 21, 2012 01:09 — forked from st23am/robot3.rb
require 'rrobots'
class Gml_robot
include Robot
def initialize()
geofflane / minesweeper.rb
Last active December 15, 2015 04:29
Ruby user group minesweeper kata
require 'rspec/given'
describe "minesweeper" do
Given(:minesweeper) { }
context "the example minesweeper" do
Given(:input) { "*...\n....\n.*..\n...." }
Then { minesweeper.solve.should == "*100\n2210\n1*10\n1110" }
source ''
gem 'celluloid'
gem 'celluloid-io'
# Life:
# Rule 1: Any live cell with fewer than 2 live neighbors dies
# Rule 2: Any live cell with more than 3 live neighbors
# Rule 3: Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on
# Rule 4: Any dead cell with exatctly three live cells becomes a live cell
require "rspec/given"
describe "grid" do
Given(:grid) { }
geofflane / load.go
Last active December 21, 2015 23:39
Go JSON HTTP load testing
// This is a program to load test the OAuth Token API in AlphaAuth
// It's written in Go to allow it to take advantage of parallelism and run many requests at the same time
// MRI Ruby doesn't handle parallelism well so isn't very appropriate for this task.
// Install Go v1.1.2
// Build with "go build load.go" to build a native binary for your platform. Go builds statically linked binaries, so you don't
// need the go runtime installed where the app is run (but you do need to build it for the target architecture)
// ./load -h for command line options
// Currently this is only good for testing oauth token API
geofflane / zombie_wasteland.rb
Created January 22, 2014 02:17
Got to get to the safe house and avoid the zombies.
class ZombieWasteland
def initialize(wasteland=DEFAULT_WASTELAND)
@wasteland = wasteland.gsub(' ', '')