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Robin Edwards geotheory

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geotheory / root-domain.R
Last active August 22, 2024 23:36
Extract root domains from URLs in R
# Vectorised workflow to extract the root domains from a list of urls where possible,
# based on identification of the url segment leftwardly adjacent to its public suffix.
# Handling for used domains that are also a registered public suffix.
# Handling also for domains unmatched in public suffix (inc. punycode URLs and URLs of top-level domains
# that are not registered as public suffixes (notable .bd, .ck, .er, .fk, .jm, .kh, .mm, .np, .pg, .za).
# Unrecognised domains will be returned as is.
# latest official list of public suffixes
psl_data = readLines("")
psl_data = psl_data[!grepl("^(//|\\s*$)", psl_data)] |> tolower()
geotheory / gdelt-headlines.R
Last active November 4, 2024 14:11
GDELT Headlines
Sys.setenv(RSTUDIO_PANDOC = "/Applications/")
unescape_html = function(str) paste0("<x>",str,"</x>") |> xml2::read_html() |> xml2::xml_text()
geotheory / geometric-mean.R
Last active June 26, 2024 09:47
Geometric mean function in R
geo_mean = funcction(x) log(x) |> mean() |> exp()
data <- mtcars
data$carname <- row.names(data)
gg_point = ggplot(data = data) +
geom_point_interactive(aes(x = wt, y = qsec, color = disp,
tooltip = carname, data_id = carname)) +
# Conversion between Web Map Tiles and Mercator coordinates
merc_to_wmt = function(x, y, z){
m_ext = pi * 6378137 # Mercator extent
res = 2 ^ (1:14)[z] # grid size
x_grid = scales::rescale(x, from = c(-m_ext, m_ext), to = c(0, res)) |> floor()
y_grid = scales::rescale(y, from = c(m_ext, -m_ext), to = c(0, res)) |> floor()
server = shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
output$map = renderTmap({
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n lat lon
342 14.765625 45.703125
307 21.796875 94.921875
265 37.265625 127.265625
172 31.640625 35.859375
156 31.640625 34.453125
151 35.859375 37.265625
141 48.515625 38.671875
138 35.859375 35.859375
138 18.984375 -99.140625
# function for parsing strings where quotes are not escaped but nested inside triple-quotes
escape_triple_quoted = function(j){
j_split = strsplit(j, '"{3}')[[1]]
f = seq_along(j_split) %% 2 == 0 # filter
j_split[f] = gsub('"', '\\\\"', j_split[f])
paste(j_split, collapse = '"')
# Usage
# identify and fill missing data points in timeseries data with regular-periodicity
#> Loading required package: padr
df <- data.frame(date = as.Date('2016-04-01') + 3*c(0,1,3,5,6), val = sample(5)) |>
#> date val
#> 1 2016-04-01 3
#> 2 2016-04-04 1