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Working from home

Gaurav Gupta ggthedev

Working from home
  • India
  • 13:36 (UTC +05:30)
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#if __has_attribute(objc_designated_initializer)
#define NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER __attribute((objc_designated_initializer))
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface RCDropdown : UITextField
@property (nonatomic) id<UIPickerViewDelegate> pickerDelegate;
@property (nonatomic) id<UIPickerViewDataSource> pickerDataSource;
// NSAttributedString+RZExtensions.h
// Raizlabs
// Created by Alex Rouse on 12/13/13.
// Copyright 2014 Raizlabs and other contributors
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
# Tips from:
# Reference from:
# Get the correct path for the git binary
git=`sh /etc/profile; which git`
# Save paths for the project and target Info.plist
// KSDIdlingWindow.h
// Created by Brian King on 4/13/10.
// Copyright 2010 King Software Designs. All rights reserved.
// Based off:
ggthedev / cpp11.cpp
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27 — forked from goldshtn/cpp11.cpp
A single function that uses a bunch of C++11/14 features and for "old-school" C++ developers will not even read like C++ anymore.Specifically, it uses:- lambda functions (C++11) with generalized capture semantics (C++14)- rvalue references (C++11)- auto variables (C++11)- decltype and trailing function return type syntax (C++11)- std::move and s…
#include <iostream>
#include <future>
using namespace std;
template <typename Fn, typename... Args>
auto do_async_with_log(ostream& os, Fn&& fn, Args&&... args) ->
os << "[TID=" << this_thread::get_id()
ggthedev / gist:497ecb3bad016fc70ac2
Last active September 7, 2015 15:21 — forked from knmshk/gist:3027474
sample : sendAsynchronousRequest
xmlData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
//connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self startImmediately:YES];
NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc]init];
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request
ggthedev /
Last active September 20, 2015 12:09 — forked from arq5x/
Compress and then Decompress a string with zlib.
# compile
$ g++ zlib-example.cpp -lz -o zlib-example
# run
$ ./zlib-example
Uncompressed size is: 36
Uncompressed string is: Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello!
ggthedev / DictionaryObjectsForKeys.swift
Created October 9, 2015 15:57 — forked from natecook1000/DictionaryObjectsForKeys.swift
Initializers for Dictionary like NSDictionary +dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:
// (c) 2015 Nate Cook, licensed under the MIT license
// Initializers for Dictionary like NSDictionary +dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:
public extension Dictionary {
/// Creates a new Dictionary from the given `keys` and `values` collections.
/// More efficient than the sequence version because it can reserve the correct
/// capacity before filling the dictionary. Returns `nil` if the lengths of the
/// two collections differ.
ggthedev / String.swift
Created December 15, 2015 13:16 — forked from kharrison/String.swift
Swift String Playground Examples
// Swift Standard Librray - String
// ====
// Initializing a String
// ====
var emptyString = "" // Empty String
var stillEmpty = String() // Another empty String
let helloWorld = "Hello World!" // String inferred