Console is an Object that provides access to browser’s console. Console Object has different method to display information in browser dev tool.
- Logging
- Tracing
- Clearing
- Asserting
- Counting
- Timing
- Grouping
The var statement declares a function-scoped or globally-scoped variable, optionally initializing it to a value. Variables declared with var can be reassigned and redeclared in the same scope.
var name = 'Devkode'; // Global Scope
function greet() {
var message = 'Hello!!'; // Function Scope
console.log(name); // Output: Devkode
In Javascript, when you declare variable using var keyword
console.log(instagramId) // undefined
Recently I came to know about Reflow and Repaint. How it's affecting web performance. I am writing this post to give insights about reflow and repaint. Before Jumping into the topic, let's understand how the browser renders the website.