I hereby claim:
- I am greg-1-anderson on github.
- I am greg1anderson (https://keybase.io/greg1anderson) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 5345 348A BEC7 B3DD ADBB F996 2850 D252 D5F5 25A6
To claim this, I am signing this object:
<?php | |
$lapis1=8937; | |
$lapis3=9600; | |
$lapis5=10367; | |
$lapis7=11269; | |
$lapis9=12342; | |
$lapis11=14400; | |
$lapis1c=256; |
<?php | |
trait TestTrait | |
{ | |
private $foo; | |
protected function upFoo() | |
{ | |
$this->foo++; |
(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[WebGoBoard:0.10.11]ST[2]SZ[19]KM[0]HA[3]PB[Black]PW[White]AB[pp][dp][pd];B[];W[dd];B[qq];W[jp];B[cq];W[gq];B[cj];W[jd];B[qj];W[nc];B[pb];W[cg];B[pg];W[nq];B[oq];W[np];B[pm];W[cm];B[dm];W[dl];B[cl];W[el];B[cn];W[bm];B[dn];W[ck];B[bl];W[bk];B[bn];W[al];B[ne];W[md];B[me];W[nm];B[ol];W[er];B[dr];W[le];B[nk];W[lf];B[lk];W[gn];B[jl];W[ml];B[mk];W[kl];B[kk];W[jk];B[ll];W[km];B[lm];W[kn];B[mn];W[ik];B[nn];W[oo];B[po];W[ln];B[on];W[ji];B[li];W[kh];B[lh];W[lg];B[ng];W[mh];B[mg];W[lj];B[kj];W[ki];B[mj];W[im];B[jj];W[ij];B[kg];W[jg];B[kf];W[qc];B[pc];W[re];B[qd];W[rd];B[qb];W[rh];B[ri];W[qg];B[qh];W[rg];B[qf];W[rf];B[rc];W[dc];B[jf];W[if];B[ig];W[ii];B[ie];W[hf];B[je];W[hd];B[he];W[id];B[ld];W[kd];B[lc];W[ke];B[ge];W[hg];B[kc];W[jc];B[gd];W[mc];B[hc];W[kb];B[lb];W[mb];B[jb];W[la];B[ib];W[fc];B[gc];W[gb];B[hb];W[fb];B[ih];W[jh];B[hh];W[gh];B[gg];W[hi];B[gf];W[fh];B[fg];W[eg];B[ef];W[df];B[ee];W[dg];B[ga];W[ha];B[ia];W[fa];B[nd];W[nr];B[or];W[fq];B[eq];W[fr];B[fo];W[go];B[fn];W[fm];B[fp];W[an];B[ao] |
#!/bin/bash | |
SITE=$1 | |
USER=${2-demo} | |
PASSWORD=${3-secretsecret} | |
ALL_ENVS="$(terminus env:list $SITE --field=id | grep -v live)" | |
for ENV in $ALL_ENVS ; do | |
is_locked="$(terminus lock:info "$SITE.$ENV" --field=locked)" |
2016 | |
5. https://pantheon.io/blog/turn-twig-debug-mode-drupal-8-pantheon | |
4. https://pantheon.io/blog/dont-fear-1-0-rational-project-management-libraries-using-semver | |
3. https://pantheon.io/blog/modern-command-line-tools-drupal-modules-drush-and-drupal-console | |
2. https://pantheon.io/blog/trouble-two-autoloaders | |
1. https://pantheon.io/blog/gentoos-composer-problem | |
2015 |
#!/bin/bash | |
# | |
# Add the ssh key for the specified Pantheon site and environment | |
# to the user's known_hosts file. | |
# | |
# See: http://serverfault.com/questions/132970/can-i-automatically-add-a-new-host-to-known-hosts | |
# | |
# Note that this script does not remove and re-add the ssh keys; | |
# if you want to do that, you might as well just use -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no. |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string; | |
fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method; | |
fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type; | |
fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length; | |
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name; | |
fastcgi_param REQUEST_URI $request_uri; | |
fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_URI $document_uri; | |
fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $document_root; | |
fastcgi_param SERVER_PROTOCOL $server_protocol; |
$ btool converge -s | |
Converging on the command line is dangerous since it does not check if a converge is in progress in jenkins. Are you sure you don't want to run converge within jenkins? | |
Please confirm that you want to do this (yes/no). yes | |
Converging site 180788fb-b5ce-4dd3-9b9e-1cccdff62c20 environment dev | |
{"max_bindings": "", "run_list": ["recipe[endpoint::bindings]"], "binding_id": "3e13d6e5ab8d4c5db2f9f26c75432625"} | |
/tmp/1447792009.22_3e13d6e5ab8d4c5db2f9f26c75432625_bindings.json | |
Starting Chef Client, version 12.4.1 | |
Compiling Cookbooks... | |
Recipe: chef_handler::default | |
* remote_directory[/var/chef/handlers] action create |
$ phpunit -c core --filter UnroutedUrlAssemblerTest | |
PHPUnit 4.8.11 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. | |
.....................FF.. | |
Time: 5.63 seconds, Memory: 144.75Mb | |
There were 2 failures: | |
1) Drupal\Tests\Core\Utility\UnroutedUrlAssemblerTest::testAssembleWithLocalUri with data set #11 ('base:core/authorize.php', array(), false, 'core/authorize.php', '/core/authorize.php') |