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Created May 4, 2023 13:56
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"cells": [
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
"start_time": "2023-05-04T13:26:51.137213Z",
"end_time": "2023-05-04T13:26:53.090363Z"
"trusted": true
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "from rdkit import Chem\nfrom rdkit.Chem import Draw\nfrom rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole\nimport rdkit\nprint(rdkit.__version__)",
"execution_count": 1,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "2023.09.1pre\n",
"name": "stdout"
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
"start_time": "2023-05-04T13:55:37.172455Z",
"end_time": "2023-05-04T13:55:37.186864Z"
"trusted": true
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "from IPython.display import SVG\nfrom PIL import Image\ndef debugDraw(mol,size=(350,350),drawer=None,asSVG=True,useBW=True,includeHLabels=True,addAtomIndices=True,\n addBondIndices=False):\n if drawer is None:\n if asSVG:\n drawer = Draw.MolDraw2DSVG(size[0],size[1])\n else:\n drawer = Draw.MolDraw2DCairo(size[0],size[1])\n if useBW:\n drawer.drawOptions().useBWAtomPalette()\n \n drawer.drawOptions().addAtomIndices = addAtomIndices\n drawer.drawOptions().addBondIndices = addBondIndices\n \n if includeHLabels:\n for atom in mol.GetAtoms():\n if atom.GetTotalNumHs():\n atom.SetProp('atomNote',f'H{atom.GetTotalNumHs()}')\n\n aromAtoms = [x.GetIdx() for x in mol.GetAtoms() if x.GetIsAromatic()]\n clrs = {x:(.9,.9,.2) for x in aromAtoms}\n aromBonds = [x.GetIdx() for x in mol.GetBonds() if x.GetIsAromatic()]\n \n Draw.PrepareMolForDrawing(mol,kekulize=False,addChiralHs=False)\n drawer.drawOptions().prepareMolsBeforeDrawing = False\n \n drawer.DrawMolecule(mol,highlightAtoms=aromAtoms,highlightAtomColors=clrs,highlightBonds=aromBonds)\n \n drawer.FinishDrawing()\n return drawer.GetDrawingText()\n\nSVG(debugDraw(Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1c(C(=O)[O-])cccc1c1nccc2c([13CH3])[nH]nc21')))",
"execution_count": 31,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"execution_count": 31,
"data": {
"text/plain": "<IPython.core.display.SVG object>",
"image/svg+xml": "<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:rdkit=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" version=\"1.1\" baseProfile=\"full\" xml:space=\"preserve\" width=\"350px\" height=\"350px\" viewBox=\"0 0 350 350\">\n<!-- END OF HEADER -->\n<rect style=\"opacity:1.0;fill:#FFFFFF;stroke:none\" width=\"350.0\" height=\"350.0\" x=\"0.0\" y=\"0.0\"> </rect>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 97.8,163.9 L 126.5,180.0 L 126.7,189.2 L 89.9,168.6 Z\" style=\"fill:#E5E533;fill-rule:evenodd;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#E5E533;stroke-width:0.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-18 atom-0 atom-8\" d=\"M 154.8,163.1 L 162.9,167.7 L 126.7,189.2 L 126.5,180.0 Z\" style=\"fill:#E5E533;fill-rule:evenodd;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#E5E533;stroke-width:0.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-4 atom-1 atom-5\" d=\"M 89.3,126.5 L 97.4,131.0 L 97.8,163.9 L 89.9,168.6 Z\" 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164.6 L 305.8 164.6 L 305.8 163.9 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-15\" d=\"M 314.2 160.9 Q 314.8 161.1, 315.2 161.6 Q 315.5 162.0, 315.5 162.7 Q 315.5 163.3, 315.2 163.8 Q 314.9 164.2, 314.4 164.5 Q 313.8 164.7, 313.1 164.7 Q 312.4 164.7, 311.8 164.5 Q 311.2 164.2, 310.8 163.7 L 311.4 163.1 Q 311.8 163.6, 312.2 163.8 Q 312.5 163.9, 313.1 163.9 Q 313.7 163.9, 314.1 163.6 Q 314.5 163.3, 314.5 162.7 Q 314.5 162.0, 314.1 161.7 Q 313.7 161.4, 312.9 161.4 L 312.4 161.4 L 312.4 160.6 L 312.8 160.6 Q 313.6 160.6, 314.0 160.3 Q 314.4 160.0, 314.4 159.3 Q 314.4 158.9, 314.0 158.6 Q 313.7 158.3, 313.1 158.3 Q 312.5 158.3, 312.2 158.6 Q 311.8 158.8, 311.5 159.3 L 310.9 158.9 Q 311.1 158.3, 311.7 157.9 Q 312.3 157.6, 313.1 157.6 Q 314.2 157.6, 314.8 158.0 Q 315.4 158.5, 315.4 159.3 Q 315.4 159.9, 315.1 160.3 Q 314.7 160.7, 314.2 160.9 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-15\" d=\"M 316.8 164.8 Q 316.8 162.1, 318.1 160.7 Q 319.3 159.3, 321.7 159.3 Q 323.8 159.3, 325.0 160.9 L 324.0 161.7 Q 323.2 160.6, 321.7 160.6 Q 320.0 160.6, 319.2 161.6 Q 318.4 162.7, 318.4 164.8 Q 318.4 166.9, 319.2 167.9 Q 320.1 169.0, 321.8 169.0 Q 323.0 169.0, 324.4 168.3 L 324.8 169.4 Q 324.2 169.8, 323.4 170.0 Q 322.5 170.2, 321.6 170.2 Q 319.3 170.2, 318.1 168.8 Q 316.8 167.4, 316.8 164.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-16\" d=\"M 266.1 118.0 L 269.5 123.6 Q 269.9 124.2, 270.4 125.2 Q 271.0 126.2, 271.0 126.3 L 271.0 118.0 L 272.4 118.0 L 272.4 128.6 L 271.0 128.6 L 267.2 122.5 Q 266.8 121.8, 266.3 120.9 Q 265.9 120.1, 265.8 119.9 L 265.8 128.6 L 264.4 128.6 L 264.4 118.0 L 266.1 118.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-16\" d=\"M 274.5 118.0 L 275.9 118.0 L 275.9 122.5 L 281.4 122.5 L 281.4 118.0 L 282.8 118.0 L 282.8 128.6 L 281.4 128.6 L 281.4 123.7 L 275.9 123.7 L 275.9 128.6 L 274.5 128.6 L 274.5 118.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-17\" d=\"M 228.8 122.4 L 232.3 128.1 Q 232.6 128.6, 233.2 129.6 Q 233.7 130.6, 233.8 130.7 L 233.8 122.4 L 235.2 122.4 L 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191.1 L 126.4 193.5 L 125.6 193.5 L 125.6 188.2 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 131.0 192.9 L 132.2 192.9 L 132.2 189.0 L 130.9 189.4 L 130.7 188.9 L 132.4 188.2 L 132.9 188.3 L 132.9 192.9 L 133.9 192.9 L 133.9 193.5 L 131.0 193.5 L 131.0 192.9 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 92.6 174.6 L 93.8 174.6 L 93.8 170.6 L 92.5 171.0 L 92.3 170.6 L 94.0 169.8 L 94.5 169.9 L 94.5 174.6 L 95.5 174.6 L 95.5 175.2 L 92.6 175.2 L 92.6 174.6 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 59.8 177.6 Q 59.9 177.1, 60.4 176.8 Q 60.9 176.5, 61.5 176.5 Q 62.3 176.5, 62.8 176.9 Q 63.2 177.4, 63.2 178.2 Q 63.2 178.9, 62.6 179.7 Q 62.1 180.4, 60.9 181.3 L 63.3 181.3 L 63.3 181.9 L 59.7 181.9 L 59.7 181.4 Q 60.7 180.7, 61.3 180.1 Q 61.9 179.6, 62.2 179.2 Q 62.5 178.7, 62.5 178.2 Q 62.5 177.7, 62.2 177.4 Q 62.0 177.1, 61.5 177.1 Q 61.1 177.1, 60.8 177.3 Q 60.5 177.5, 60.3 177.8 L 59.8 177.6 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 63.0 235.4 Q 63.6 235.5, 63.8 235.9 Q 64.1 236.2, 64.1 236.7 Q 64.1 237.2, 63.8 237.5 Q 63.6 237.9, 63.2 238.0 Q 62.8 238.2, 62.2 238.2 Q 61.7 238.2, 61.2 238.0 Q 60.8 237.8, 60.5 237.4 L 60.9 237.0 Q 61.2 237.4, 61.5 237.5 Q 61.8 237.6, 62.2 237.6 Q 62.7 237.6, 63.0 237.4 Q 63.3 237.1, 63.3 236.7 Q 63.3 236.2, 63.0 235.9 Q 62.7 235.7, 62.0 235.7 L 61.7 235.7 L 61.7 235.1 L 62.0 235.1 Q 62.6 235.1, 62.9 234.9 Q 63.2 234.6, 63.2 234.1 Q 63.2 233.8, 62.9 233.6 Q 62.7 233.4, 62.2 233.4 Q 61.8 233.4, 61.5 233.5 Q 61.3 233.7, 61.0 234.1 L 60.5 233.8 Q 60.7 233.4, 61.2 233.1 Q 61.6 232.8, 62.2 232.8 Q 63.0 232.8, 63.5 233.2 Q 63.9 233.5, 63.9 234.1 Q 63.9 234.6, 63.7 234.9 Q 63.5 235.2, 63.0 235.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 19.4 161.8 L 20.0 161.8 L 20.0 162.4 L 19.4 162.4 L 19.4 163.7 L 18.7 163.7 L 18.7 162.4 L 15.9 162.4 L 15.9 162.0 L 18.2 158.4 L 19.4 158.4 L 19.4 161.8 M 16.8 161.8 L 18.7 161.8 L 18.7 158.8 L 16.8 161.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 77.3 122.0 Q 77.8 122.0, 78.2 122.2 Q 78.6 122.4, 78.8 122.8 Q 79.0 123.1, 79.0 123.6 Q 79.0 124.2, 78.7 124.6 Q 78.5 125.0, 78.0 125.2 Q 77.6 125.4, 77.1 125.4 Q 76.6 125.4, 76.2 125.2 Q 75.7 125.0, 75.4 124.7 L 75.9 124.2 Q 76.1 124.5, 76.4 124.6 Q 76.8 124.8, 77.1 124.8 Q 77.6 124.8, 77.9 124.5 Q 78.3 124.2, 78.3 123.6 Q 78.3 123.1, 77.9 122.8 Q 77.6 122.5, 77.1 122.5 Q 76.6 122.5, 76.1 122.7 L 75.7 122.5 L 75.9 120.0 L 78.7 120.0 L 78.6 120.6 L 76.6 120.6 L 76.4 122.2 Q 76.9 122.0, 77.3 122.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 79.7 124.6 L 80.4 124.6 L 80.4 125.2 L 80.3 126.2 L 80.0 126.2 L 80.0 125.3 L 79.7 125.3 L 79.7 124.6 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 81.2 120.0 L 81.9 120.0 L 81.9 122.2 L 84.6 122.2 L 84.6 120.0 L 85.3 120.0 L 85.3 125.3 L 84.6 125.3 L 84.6 122.8 L 81.9 122.8 L 81.9 125.3 L 81.2 125.3 L 81.2 120.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 86.6 124.7 L 87.7 124.7 L 87.7 120.7 L 86.4 121.1 L 86.3 120.7 L 87.9 120.0 L 88.4 120.0 L 88.4 124.7 L 89.5 124.7 L 89.5 125.3 L 86.6 125.3 L 86.6 124.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 120.5 102.7 Q 121.0 102.7, 121.3 102.9 Q 121.7 103.1, 121.9 103.4 Q 122.1 103.8, 122.1 104.3 Q 122.1 104.8, 121.9 105.2 Q 121.6 105.6, 121.2 105.8 Q 120.8 106.0, 120.3 106.0 Q 119.4 106.0, 118.9 105.4 Q 118.4 104.8, 118.4 103.5 Q 118.4 102.1, 119.0 101.3 Q 119.6 100.6, 120.7 100.6 Q 121.0 100.6, 121.3 100.7 Q 121.6 100.8, 121.9 100.9 L 121.6 101.4 Q 121.2 101.2, 120.7 101.2 Q 120.0 101.2, 119.6 101.7 Q 119.2 102.2, 119.2 103.2 Q 119.4 102.9, 119.8 102.8 Q 120.1 102.7, 120.5 102.7 M 120.3 105.4 Q 120.6 105.4, 120.8 105.3 Q 121.1 105.1, 121.2 104.9 Q 121.3 104.6, 121.3 104.3 Q 121.3 103.8, 121.1 103.5 Q 120.8 103.3, 120.4 103.3 Q 120.0 103.3, 119.7 103.4 Q 119.4 103.5, 119.2 103.8 Q 119.2 104.6, 119.5 105.0 Q 119.8 105.4, 120.3 105.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 122.8 105.2 L 123.6 105.2 L 123.6 105.8 L 123.4 106.9 L 123.1 106.9 L 123.1 106.0 L 122.8 106.0 L 122.8 105.2 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 124.3 100.7 L 125.1 100.7 L 125.1 102.9 L 127.8 102.9 L 127.8 100.7 L 128.5 100.7 L 128.5 106.0 L 127.8 106.0 L 127.8 103.5 L 125.1 103.5 L 125.1 106.0 L 124.3 106.0 L 124.3 100.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 129.7 105.4 L 130.9 105.4 L 130.9 101.4 L 129.6 101.8 L 129.4 101.4 L 131.1 100.6 L 131.6 100.7 L 131.6 105.4 L 132.6 105.4 L 132.6 106.0 L 129.7 106.0 L 129.7 105.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 164.9 119.4 L 162.2 119.4 L 162.2 118.8 L 165.7 118.8 L 165.7 119.4 L 163.5 124.2 L 162.8 124.2 L 164.9 119.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 166.2 123.4 L 166.9 123.4 L 166.9 124.0 L 166.8 125.0 L 166.5 125.0 L 166.5 124.2 L 166.2 124.2 L 166.2 123.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 167.7 118.8 L 168.4 118.8 L 168.4 121.1 L 171.2 121.1 L 171.2 118.8 L 171.9 118.8 L 171.9 124.2 L 171.2 124.2 L 171.2 121.7 L 168.4 121.7 L 168.4 124.2 L 167.7 124.2 L 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184.9, 185.6 185.0 Q 185.4 185.2, 185.2 185.4 Q 185.1 185.7, 185.1 186.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 177.7 229.7 L 178.9 229.7 L 178.9 225.8 L 177.6 226.2 L 177.4 225.7 L 179.1 225.0 L 179.6 225.1 L 179.6 229.7 L 180.7 229.7 L 180.7 230.3 L 177.7 230.3 L 177.7 229.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 183.3 230.4 Q 182.3 230.4, 181.8 229.7 Q 181.3 229.0, 181.3 227.7 Q 181.3 226.4, 181.8 225.7 Q 182.3 225.0, 183.3 225.0 Q 184.2 225.0, 184.7 225.7 Q 185.2 226.4, 185.2 227.7 Q 185.2 229.0, 184.7 229.7 Q 184.2 230.4, 183.3 230.4 M 183.3 229.8 Q 183.8 229.8, 184.2 229.3 Q 184.5 228.7, 184.5 227.7 Q 184.5 226.6, 184.2 226.1 Q 183.8 225.6, 183.3 225.6 Q 182.7 225.6, 182.4 226.1 Q 182.1 226.6, 182.1 227.7 Q 182.1 228.7, 182.4 229.3 Q 182.7 229.8, 183.3 229.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"note\" d=\"M 216.5 247.9 L 217.6 247.9 L 217.6 243.9 L 216.4 244.3 L 216.2 243.9 L 217.8 243.2 L 218.3 243.3 L 218.3 247.9 L 219.4 247.9 L 219.4 248.5 L 216.5 248.5 L 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