some (nice) places to visit in Bansko and nearby:
- an old monastery. nice walk and nice place for a picnic if it's not raining. let yourself in through the door in the big white wall. enjoy the drinking water from the tap in the tree:
- hotsprings - outdoors, but fun in any weather:
- izgreva - 10 lev per person, 3 pools (cool, warm, hot), good, cheap restaurant and bar:
- eleshnitsa - free for all, wild hotsprings:
- near the road and river, usually very clean, quite hot in the daytime, quite warm in the evening:
- in the forest, normally cooler (warm, not hot), clean in morning and early afternoon, murky by evening (pro tip: the big muscly, body-builder, chatting, smiling Bulgarian sometimes loitering nearby is a masseur. he will give you a massage for a small fee):