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guinunez /
Last active January 30, 2023 23:02
Herramienta para realizar los comandos mas comunes de git en secuencia:- Verifica que esté sobre un repositorio- Agrega y quita los archivos modificados- Hace el commit pidiendo el mensaje- Realiza el pull- Si detecta un branch remoto upstream, hace el merge- Si el automerge falla, llama a mergetool (hay que volver a correr syncme despues de eso…
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Tool to perform common Git commands in sequence:
# - Verifies that you are in a Git repository
# - Adds and removes modified files
# - Commits with a message
# - Performs a pull
# - If a remote upstream branch is detected, performs a merge
# - If the automatic merge fails, calls the mergetool (you need to run syncme again after that)
guinunez /
Last active November 25, 2022 23:58
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Tool to the initial setup of a django project on dreamhost:
# Latest version: wget -O - | bash
# This is what the script does
# - Create the SSH key
# - install python 3
# - Clone repo
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function pause(){
read -p "$*" </dev/tty
echo "cual es la url base del sitio? (sin http://)"
read sitiourl </dev/tty
# - crear archivo passenger
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using EasyAR;
/* This script fixes the model shake behavior on EasyAr v2. You should
use this instead of ImageTargetBehaviour on your target. Just delete the
ImageTargetBehaviour component and add this one
It is a fixed and improved version of the one posted on this thread: