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npm set init.author.name "Your Name"
npm set init.author.email "[email protected]"
npm set init.author.url "http://yourblog.com"
npm adduser
/* Base styles */ | |
body {} | |
p {} | |
/* .layout-{name} */ | |
.layout-sidebar {} | |
-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 8px 8px -8px #696868, | |
inset 0 -8px 8px -8px #696868; | |
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 8px 8px -8px #696868, | |
inset 0 -8px 8px -8px #696868; | |
box-shadow: inset 0 8px 8px -8px #696868, | |
inset 0 -8px 8px -8px #696868; |
public static class EvalExtension | |
{ | |
public static TResult Eval<T, TResult>(this T obj, Func<T, TResult> func) where T : class | |
{ | |
return obj.Eval(func, default(TResult)); | |
} | |
public static TResult Eval<T, TResult>(this T obj, Func<T, TResult> func, TResult defaultValue) where T : class | |
{ | |
return obj == null ? defaultValue : func(obj); |
If you haven't already set your NPM author info, now you should:
npm set init.author.name "Your Name"
npm set init.author.email "[email protected]"
npm set init.author.url "http://yourblog.com"
npm adduser
# Get new tags from the remote | |
git fetch --tags | |
# Get the latest tag name | |
latestTag=$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`) | |
# Checkout the latest tag | |
git checkout $latestTag |
to ArabicKodi
will reflect this growing maturity.##Jama and Ractive.js
Jama has been originally focused on hiring full stack/Java developers. As of May 2012 the first full time front end developer was hired, and I was hired shortly after in July. Jama is mostly a monolithic ExtJS application which is great if you know nothing about front end development and want something up relatively quickly and easily and do not understand how to build structure your own HTML/CSS well.
Our goal was to replace ExtJS but rebuilding the application from the ground up was not an option. So we devised a plan to utilize Ext Containers that would simply render on the page and allow us to use whatever we wanted in them. This allows us to start granular and slowly start replacing larger and larger Ext components.
Another part of the application was already built with AMD modules so in order to encourage module reuse we extend Ext container, and implement a few methods to pull in an AMD module, pass in configuration data that may be still coming from the Ext world, bind to nec
/* Base styles */ | |
body {} | |
p {} | |
/* .layout-{name} */ | |
.layout-sidebar {} | |
.flex-grid { | |
display: flex; | |
box-sizing: border-box; | |
padding-top: 10px; | |
width: calc(100% - 20px); | |
margin: 0 auto; | |
} | |
.flex-grid:last-of-type { | |
padding-bottom: 10px; |
; Remap Right Windows Key to Alt | |
RWin::RAlt | |
; Remap Right Alt to Ctrl | |
RAlt::RCtrl | |
; Remap Right Alt + Space to Ctrl + Space | |
RAlt & Space::Send ^{Space} |