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Derek Hammer hammerdr

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@import <AppKit/CPView.j>
@implementation OLResourceView : CPView
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
if(self = [super initWithFrame:frame])
@implementation CPArray (Find)
- (CPObject)findBy:(Function)isTheObject
for(int i = 0; i < [self count]; i++)
if(isTheObject([self objectAtIndex:i]))
return [self objectAtIndex:i];
@implementation OJUser : CPObject
- (void)initWithConnection:(OJConnection)connection
- (void)save
[connection save:self];
hammerdr / gist:230517
Created November 10, 2009 01:11
.autotest file for testing Objective-J
class Autotest
def make_test_cmd files_to_test
return "objj RunTests.j"
class Autotest
def make_test_cmd files_to_test
return "objj RunTests.j"
class OJMoq
OJMoqSelector Selector(SEL aSelector)
var theSelector = new OJMoqSelector(aSelector);
return theSelector;
- (void)didSubmitRegistration:(CPDictionary)registrationInfo
@import <AppKit/CPWindow.j>
@import "../models/OLFeedback.j"
@implementation OLFeedbackWindow : CPWindow
CPView _feedbackView;
CPView _submittingFeedbackView;
CPView _submittedFeedbackView;
CPView _currentView; // Keeps track of the current content view
@import <AppKit/CPTableView.j>
@implementation CPTableView (DoubleClick)
- (void)mouseDown:(CPEvent)anEvent
if ([anEvent clickCount] == 2)
var index = [[self selectedRowIndexes] firstIndex];
- (void)loadEverything
loginController = [[LoginWindowController alloc] init...];
[loginController setDelegate:self];
- (void)someFunction