Convert :symbol => value
to label: value
find lib spec -type f -exec sed -i '' -E 's/:([_a-z]+)(\ *)=>/\1:/g' {} \;
Convert "string" => value
to label: value
{ scopeName = 'assembler.otx'; | |
fileTypes = ( 'otx' ); | |
foldingStartMarker = '/\*\*|\{\s*$'; | |
foldingStopMarker = '\*\*/|^\s*\}'; | |
patterns = ( | |
{ name = 'keyword.control.untitled'; | |
match = '\b(if|while|for|return)\b'; | |
}, | |
{ name = 'support.numeric.offset.local'; | |
match = '^\s*\+\d+'; |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
def format_method text, line | |
line.match /^(\s*)/ | |
spaces = $1 | |
text.match /^(\s*)([\w\d\s\_]+)\s*\((.*)\)/ | |
formatted = "#{$2}(\n#{spaces}\t" | |
formatted += $3. | |
gsub(" ", ""). | |
gsub(",", ",\n#{spaces}\t"). |
echo $1 >> temp.asm && nasm temp.asm -o temp.bin && rm temp.asm | |
od -N 16 -t x1 temp.bin && rm temp.bin |
chpwd () { | |
print -Pn "\e]0;%c\a" | |
} |
set nocompatible | |
filetype off | |
call pathogen#helptags() | |
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() | |
set nobackup | |
set nowritebackup | |
set noswapfile | |
set history=1000 | |
set ruler |
# let (:klass) { Person } | |
# to | |
# let(:klass) do | |
# Person | |
# end | |
:%s/\(\s*\)let(:\(.*\)) {\s*\(.*\)\s*}/\1let(:\2) do\r\1 \3\r\1end/g | |
# before { do_something } | |
# to | |
# before do |
#!/usr/bin/env sh | |
## | |
# This is script with usefull tips taken from: | |
# | |
# | |
# install it: | |
# curl -sL | sh | |
# |
require 'rubygems' | |
require 'typhoeus' | |
require 'json' | |
require 'date' | |
require 'ostruct' | |
apikey = "0187fce21254fce68e5858518443c207" | |
version_url = "" | |
gem_url = "" |
class Fu | |
private | |
attr_accessor :bar | |
end |