So you bought a raspberry pi and have it connected to your printer. Nice! You may have even gone one step further and decided to power it using the printer PSU (which is by default if you are using a BIQU BX). Also nice. However, the downside to that is that your pi will now turn off without a safe shutdown process when you power off your printer.
While this is never going to brick your pi it most definitely can corrupt the SD card and require you to reinstall the OS as well as any other tools that you have installed on top of the OS. Since nobody wants to spend half a day doing that I developed this mod which will safely shut down the pi when the power to the machine is cut.
*Take note that this mod is currently in beta but is in it's third iteration so it should be relatively stable. Installing this mod while this message is still a part of this gist means that you are signing on as a beta tester. Please share your experience, positive or negative, in the c