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I may be slow to respond.

HarryZhu harryprince

I may be slow to respond.
  • Mobike
  • Jilin University of Finance and Economics
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javierluraschi /
Last active April 14, 2021 15:49
Analyzing Twitter Stream using Spark and R

tar -xzf kafka_2.12-2.1.0.tgz

bin/ config/
bin/ config/

bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
javierluraschi /
Created December 17, 2018 21:11
Building Arrow R Bindings in Windows

Building Arrow R Bindings in Windows

This doc captures results from investigating how to build the Arrow R bindings in Windows. The following options were explored:

  • Building Arrow in MSys and bindings in RTools.
  • Building Arrow and bindings in RTools.

The most promising long-term solution is to write a CMake generator that can be run from RTools; short term, we can continue making progress compiling Arrow from MSys.

This document explains other approaches considered and provides additional details.

javierluraschi /
Last active January 20, 2020 16:53
Using TensorFlow in EMR with sparklyr

A script to demonstrate using TensorFlow in Spark with Amazon EMR and sparklyr.

  1. Create an EMR cluster for sparklyr, connect to EMR and install required tools:
  1. Connect to Spark using sparklyr, copy some data and the mtcars TensorFlow model:
dgrapov / plotly_select_DT.R
Last active September 10, 2020 01:25
ggplot2 to plotly to shiny to box/lasso select to DT
#plotly box or lasso select linked to
# DT data table
# using Wage data
# the out group: is sex:Male, region:Middle Atlantic +
Vessy / RCy3_example1.R
Last active April 8, 2018 00:13
Network visualization and R - An example how to plot a network and customize its appearance in Cytoscape directly from R using the RCy3 package
# Plotting networks in R - an example how to plot a network and
# customize its appearance in Cytoscape directly from R using
# the RCy3 package
# Clear workspace
# rm(list = ls())
expersso / trigonometry.R
Created July 28, 2016 08:44
Trigonometry with magick, gganimate, and purrr
## Purpose: illustrate use of magick, gganimate, and purrr
## Inspiration:
## and subsequent discussion on magick vs gganimate:
torgeir /
Last active July 27, 2018 07:47
Installing ubuntu snappy core on the raspberry pi 2 from os x
yihui /
Last active March 15, 2017 18:35
A Shiny app based on annyang that responds to voice input
## openMPCode example from Rcpp/examples/OpenMP/ by Dirk E.
openMPCode <- '
// assign to C++ vector
std::vector<double> x = Rcpp::as<std::vector< double > >(xs);
thertrader / ShinyForTradingStrategy.txt
Last active June 17, 2023 15:59
A Simple Shiny App for Monitoring Trading Strategies
This Shiny application is designed to help analysing trading strategies. It is an ongoing project that I improve when time allows. Feel free to get in touch should you have any suggestion.
*How to use the App as it is?
The App uses as input several csv files (one for each strategy). Each file has two columns: date and daily return. There is an example of such a file in the Github repository. The code is essentially made of 3 files.
-ui.R: controls the layout and appearance of the app
-server.R: contains the instructions needed to build the app. You can load as much strategies as you want as long as the corresponding csv file has the right format (see below).
-shinyStrategyGeneral.R: loads the required packages and launches the app
put ui.R and server.R file in a separate directory
In the server.R file change the inputPath, inputFile and keepColumns parameters to match your setting. The first two are self explanatory the third one is a list of column names within the csv file. Keep only date and daily return