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Alex Yelluas hiphamster

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hiphamster /
Created August 30, 2019 05:41 — forked from Miserlou/
Flask serving binary data example
import io
from flask import Flask, send_file
app = Flask(__name__)
def logo():
"""Serves the logo image."""
with open("logo.jpg", 'rb') as bites:
hiphamster / gist:c352c9b264ecc920f0592aec5d412269
Created August 7, 2019 00:04 — forked from hest/gist:8798884
Fast SQLAlchemy counting (avoid query.count() subquery)
def get_count(q):
count_q = q.statement.with_only_columns([func.count()]).order_by(None)
count = q.session.execute(count_q).scalar()
return count
q = session.query(TestModel).filter(...).order_by(...)
# Slow: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ... FROM TestModel WHERE ...) ...
print q.count()

Typing vagrant from the command line will display a list of all available commands.

Be sure that you are in the same directory as the Vagrantfile when running these commands!

Creating a VM

  • vagrant init -- Initialize Vagrant with a Vagrantfile and ./.vagrant directory, using no specified base image. Before you can do vagrant up, you'll need to specify a base image in the Vagrantfile.
  • vagrant init <boxpath> -- Initialize Vagrant with a specific box. To find a box, go to the public Vagrant box catalog. When you find one you like, just replace it's name with boxpath. For example, vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64.

Starting a VM

  • vagrant up -- starts vagrant environment (also provisions only on the FIRST vagrant up)
hiphamster / tidy.conf
Created November 7, 2018 05:42 — forked from paultreny/tidy.conf
The config file I use for tidy-html5. $ tidy -config <path/to/tidy.conf> input.html > output.html
// tidy-html5 config file (mine's named "tidy.conf")
// tidy documentation is here:
// tidy-html5 documentation here:
join-classes: no
logical-emphasis: no
drop-empty-elements: no
anchor-as-name: no
doctype: auto
hiphamster / gist:be10896f1d693b7e5cfd94f864d85ef8
Created August 31, 2018 06:55 — forked from emptyhammond/gist:1603144
Make a PUT request with jQuery.ajax()
type: 'POST', // Use POST with X-HTTP-Method-Override or a straight PUT if appropriate.
dataType: 'json', // Set datatype - affects Accept header
url: "", // A valid URL
headers: {"X-HTTP-Method-Override": "PUT"}, // X-HTTP-Method-Override set to PUT.
data: '{"name": "Dave"}' // Some data e.g. Valid JSON as a string
/* Some clients do not support PUT or it’s difficult to send in a PUT request. For these cases, you could POST the request with a request header of X-HTTP-Method-Override set to PUT. What this tells the server is that the intended request is a PUT. Obviously this relies on the API you are accessing making use of the X-HTTP-Method-Override Header.*/
hiphamster /
Created August 30, 2018 21:30 — forked from dropmeaword/
Playing around with Chrome's history

Browser histories

Unless you are using Safari on OSX, most browsers will have some kind of free plugin that you can use to export the browser's history. So that's probably the easiest way. The harder way, which seems to be what Safari wants is a bit more hacky but it will also work for other browsers. Turns out that most of them, including Safari, have their history saved in some kind of sqlite database file somewhere in your home directory.

The OSX Finder cheats a little bit and doesn't show us all the files that actually exist on our drive. It tries to protect us from ourselves by hiding some system and application-specific files. You can work around this by either using the terminal (my preferred method) or by using the Cmd+Shft+G in Finder.


Once you locate the file containing the browser's history, copy it to make a backup just in case we screw up.

hiphamster /
Created March 1, 2018 09:00 — forked from kwmiebach/
pytest cheat sheet


(Remember to create a symlink pytest for py.test)

pytest [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] ...


hiphamster /
Created January 14, 2018 20:05 — forked from bancek/
CUE splitter using ffmpeg (to mp3)
cue_file = 'file.cue'
d = open(cue_file).read().splitlines()
general = {}
tracks = []
current_file = None
hiphamster / 0_reuse_code.js
Created August 5, 2017 18:13
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console
hiphamster / pandoc.css
Created August 3, 2017 03:24 — forked from killercup/pandoc.css
Add this to your Pandoc HTML documents using `--css pandoc.css` to make them look more awesome. (Tested with Markdown and LaTeX.)
* I add this to html files generated with pandoc.
html {
font-size: 100%;
overflow-y: scroll;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;