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holacode / gist:551eca4a958f2f057aa8
Last active November 1, 2015 10:31
Reading file from s3 using spark , jars and config for sparkshell
Adding multiple jar to spark classpath
#make comma seperated jar list and give input to --jar flag
./spark-shell --jars $(echo ~/lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ',')
sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3.impl", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem")
val input = sc.textFile("s3:/pathtoyourcsv")
//some custom processing
holacode / gist:5314433c519fb6956ac6
Created May 15, 2015 09:12
Adding Java Melody to Grails App
Adding Java Melody to Grails App
Plugin Url :
Installation step provided does not work with grails 2.3.4 or above.
This method to install plugin has been deprecated in new version of grails.
grails install-plugin grails-melody