Terraform aws_rds_cluster rds_cluster engine mode serverless aurora postgresql doesn't work in all regions.
Failed in ap-southeast-2 Sydney. It doesn't work in all regions because serverless mode is not available in all regions.
action.summary_index = 1 | |
action.summary_index._name = some_index | |
action.summary_index._type = metric |
| rex mode=sed field=cc_matches "s/([\d]{4}\-?)([\d]{2})[\d]{2}(\-?)[\d]{4}(\-?)([\d]{3}\d?)/\1\2XX\3XXXX\4\5/g" |
<option name="charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.overflowMode">ellipsisNone</option> | |
<option name="charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.rotation">0</option> | |
<option name="charting.axisTitleX.visibility">collapsed</option> | |
<option name="charting.axisTitleY.visibility">collapsed</option> | |
<option name="charting.axisTitleY2.visibility">collapsed</option> | |
<option name="charting.axisX.abbreviation">none</option> | |
<option name="charting.axisX.scale">linear</option> | |
<option name="charting.axisY.abbreviation">none</option> | |
<option name="charting.axisY.scale">linear</option> | |
<option name="charting.axisY2.abbreviation">none</option> |
Get your API key
Then click on the launcher
SELECT (100 - (filter(count(*), WHERE (httpResponseCode = '429') OR httpResponseCode > '499')/count(*)*100)) as 'Success (%)' | |
FROM Transaction | |
WHERE httpResponseCode IS NOT NULL | |
SINCE 30 days ago |
"Correlating SQS traffic requires you to configure the continuation entry point for the SQS message."
What this means is you must correlate the consumer java agent to extract the singularity header.
Below is an example which assumes there is an object with getter getSingularityHeader.
The object with getSingularityHeader is the first argument of a class/method com.example.service.sqs.SqsSubscriber.processMessage
samplingInterval: 30000 | |
containerMonitoringConfig: | |
containerProcessSelectorRegex: ".*(-Dappdynamics|nginx).*" | |
#containerProcessSelectorRegex: ".*-Dappdynamics.*|.*nginx.*" | |
sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT |