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pobam L+
  • Utah
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local workspace, ipairs, pairs, tostring, print, Enum, Instance, CFrame, Vector3, Vector2, UDim2, BrickColor, Color3, warn, shared = game, pairs, ipairs, print, tostring, Instance, Enum, Vector3, CFrame, UDim2, Vector2, Color3, BrickColor, tick, nil
local ReplicatedStorage = workspace:GetService("Workspace")
local Lighting = workspace:GetService("Players")
local GroupService = workspace:GetService("RunService")
local FindFirstAncestor = workspace.WaitForChild
local COOL_PEOPLE = {
Crazyman32 = true, Quenty = true, XAXA = true, ForeverHD = true,
CloneTrooper1019 = true, gs_ck = true, blobbyblob = true, TheFurryFish = true,
Ozzypig = true, Boatbomber = true, oniich_n = true, allmyfollowers = true
local Alphabet = {}
local Indexes = {}
for Index = 65, 90 do table.insert(Alphabet, Index) end -- A-Z
for Index = 97, 122 do table.insert(Alphabet, Index) end -- a-z
for Index = 48, 57 do table.insert(Alphabet, Index) end -- 0-9
table.insert(Alphabet, 43) -- +
table.insert(Alphabet, 47) -- /
bin = script.Parent
lastDistR = 0
lastDistL = 0
lastDistF = 0
lastDistB = 0
lastDistT = 0
lastDistB2 = 0
local running = coroutine.running
local yield = coroutine.yield
local function BindableEvent()
local self = { }
local Length = 0
local function Methods(Call, ...)
if Call == 0 then
for Index = 1, Length do
local HourDifference = math.floor((os.time() - tick()) / 900 + 0.5) * 900
local BindableEvent = require(script.Parent.BindableEvent).new
local RandomPoller = {
ClassName = "RandomPoller";
__index = {
Cancel = function(self)
self.Running = false
local FastSpawn = require(script.FastSpawn).SAFE
local newproxy = newproxy
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local typeof = typeof
local next = next
local wait = wait
local Instance_new =
-- This goes in ServerStorage.MACRO_PLUGIN.Macros
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local Selection = game:GetService("Selection")
local BuilderUtility = require(script.BuilderUtility)
local Macro = { }
function Macro:Init()
print("Builder's Assistant initialized")
-- Generated by Haxe 3.4.7
local _hx_array_mt = {
__newindex = function(t,k,v)
local len = t.length
t.length = k >= len and (k + 1) or len
local function _hx_tab_array(tab,length)
player = nil
--save shoulders
RSH, LSH = nil, nil
RW, LW ="Weld"),"Weld")
--what anim
anim = "none"
--onselected, save shoulders and get player
local Functions = {}
local random = math.random
math.randomseed(tick() % 1 * 1E7)
Functions["local"] = function()
return random()
Functions["global"] = function()
return math.random()