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i486 /
Created June 9, 2023 15:58 — forked from matiaspl/
Replace VID, PID, MAC and channel plan on Realtek USB wifi dongles (e.g. 8811AU)

Why would you even want to do that?

Well, there are some vendor locked dongles out there (I'm looking at you Panasonic!) that use regular off-the-shelf chips but cost a lot of money and not $5 that they're really worth. E.g. there's the AJ-WM50E dual band AC dongle (sold for 160 USD) that you should use with AG-UX180 camera to get wifi CCU running.

I happen to have one such dongle, couple of summer holiday nights and family far, far away. Why not do some hacking then?

The camera is - as far as I can tell - running Linux or a similar system. If so, it has a limited set of tools to get to know what's getting connected to it.

Ultimate goal

Make the not-so-Panasonic dongle resemble the Panasonic one as much as possible, so that the camera just enables it thinking it's legit.

i486 /
Created January 16, 2024 11:31 — forked from edjdavid/
PotPlayer Motion Interpolation
i486 / add-remove-windows-path.ps1
Created April 25, 2024 09:30 — forked from drazul/add-remove-windows-path.ps1
Example to add and remove local-path to system-path-variable on Windows. Without the limitations of 1024 characters
#------------ Add path to system variable -------------------------------------
$path2add = ';C:\path;'
$systemPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'machine');
If (!$systemPath.contains($path2add)) {
$systemPath += $path2add
$systemPath = $systemPath -join ';'
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $systemPath, 'Machine');
write-host "Added to path!"
# How to create a YAML issue template form in your repository #
# To use a YAML issue form in your repository, you must create a new
# file and add it to the .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE folder in your
# repository by typing the full path to the new file in when prompted
# for a new file's name.
# If, for example, you wanted to create the bug.yaml form to add to your