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caiusCitiriga / ngrok.yml
Created August 22, 2022 12:15 — forked from ma7dev/ngrok.yml
Ngrok, running multiple ports at once (works for free version)
# Create 4 tunnels, each for different ports, with only https enabled
# This way the ngrok process stays bellow the Free plan limit (4 tunnels)
# command: ngrok start --all # to start all of them
# command: ngrok start note tb # to run jupyter notebook server and tensorboard server only
# refer to this page for more info:
authtoken: ...
log: ngrok.log
# to run jupyter notebook server
ultragtx /
Created November 17, 2018 18:30 — forked from so1tsuda/
Functions that calculate RSI and StochRSI which give the same value as Trading View. I wrote these functions as RSI and StochRSI functions from TA-Lib give different values as TV.
# calculating RSI (gives the same values as TradingView)
def RSI(series, period=14):
delta = series.diff().dropna()
ups = delta * 0
downs = ups.copy()
ups[delta > 0] = delta[delta > 0]
downs[delta < 0] = -delta[delta < 0]
ups[ups.index[period-1]] = np.mean( ups[:period] ) #first value is sum of avg gains