Link to these links:
Module 1:
- Run jenkins from war file:
jenkins -jar jenkins.war
- Run jenkins from docker:
docker run -d \
--restart unless-stopped \
--name jenkins \
Link to these links:
Module 1:
jenkins -jar jenkins.war
docker run -d \
--restart unless-stopped \
--name jenkins \
#!/bin/bash | |
yum install -y aws-cli | |
cd /home/ec2-user/ | |
aws s3 cp 's3://aws-codedeploy-us-east-1/latest/codedeploy-agent.noarch.rpm' . --region us-east-1 | |
yum -y install codedeploy-agent.noarch.rpm |
aws elb create-load-balancer \ | |
--load-balancer-name MyELB \ | |
--listeners Protocol=TCP,LoadBalancerPort=80,InstanceProtocol=TCP,InstancePort=80 \ | |
--subnets subnet-46e6506c subnet-57b8010f \ | |
--scheme internet-facing \ | |
--security-groups sg-aec570d4 | |
aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ | |
--launch-configuration-name MyLC \ | |
--key-name virginia \ |
A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications
A curated list of awesome AWS resources you need to prepare for the all 5 AWS Certifications. This gist will include: open source repos, blogs & blogposts, ebooks, PDF, whitepapers, video courses, free lecture, slides, sample test and many other resources.
For more about AWS and AWS Certifications and updates to this Gist you should follow me @leonardofed
copy = { File src,File dest-> | |
def input = src.newDataInputStream() | |
def output = dest.newDataOutputStream() | |
output << input | |
input.close() | |
output.close() | |
} |
json = '{"twitter":"","web site":["",""]}' | |
println groovy.json.JsonOutput.prettyPrint(json) |
// | |
// Copy this into your Jenkins Build Flow plugin DSL, and call run_workspace_script() with the name of your checked in script | |
// | |
// Based on code at | |
// | |
def run_workspace_script(filename) { | |
def code = new File(build.workspace.child(filename).toString()).text | |
def code_as_closure = "{->${code}}" | |
def closure = evaluate(code_as_closure) | |
closure.delegate=this |
Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("project name").updateNextBuildNumber(13) |
<project> | |
... | |
<build> | |
<!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM --> | |
<pluginManagement> | |
<plugins> | |
<plugin> | |
<groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> | |
<artifactId>maven-deploy-plugin</artifactId> | |
<version>2.8.2</version> |
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<head> | |
<title>Build report</title> | |
<style type="text/css"> | |
body | |
{ | |
margin: 0px; | |
padding: 15px; | |
} | |