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Ian Henriksen insertinterestingnamehere

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Contained in 3.1.0 but not in 3.1.1:
void csrot(int *n, c *cx, int *incx, c *cy, int *incy, s *c, s *s)
void zdrot(int *n, z *cx, int *incx, z *cy, int *incy, d *c, d *s)
Contained in 3.1.1 but not in 3.1.0:
Changed from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1:
Changed signature from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1:
Changed argument names from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1:
insertinterestingnamehere /
Created June 11, 2015 05:43
Namespace Separating script for dynd-python
beginning_rules = {'using namespace dynd;\n' : '',
'using namespace dynd::nd;\n\n' : '',
'using namespace dynd::ndt;\n\n' : '',
'using namespace pydynd;\n' : '',
' complex_float32_type_id,' : ' dynd::complex_float32_type_id,',
'complex_float64_type_id' : 'dynd::complex_float64_type_id',
'complex_float128_type_id' : 'dynd::complex_float128_type_id',
'nd::string' : 'dynd::nd::string',
'<complex_float32_type_id>' : '<dynd::complex_float32_type_id>',
' complex_float32_type_id:' : ' dynd::complex_float32_type_id:',}
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\CL.exe /
c /IC:\Users\Owner\libdynd\thirdparty\datetime\include /IC:\Users\Owner\libdy
nd\include /IC:\Users\Owner\libdynd\thirdparty\utf8\source /IC:\Users\Owner\l
ibdynd\msvc_build\include /IC:\Users\Owner\libdynd\tests\..\thirdparty /IC:\U
sers\Owner\libdynd\tests\. /W3 /WX /O2 /Ob2 /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D _VARIADIC
_MAX=10 /D NDEBUG /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Release\"" /D _MBCS /Gm- /EHsc /MD /GS /
fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /GR /Fo"test_libdynd.dir\Relea
se\\" /Fd"test_libdynd.dir\Release\vc140.pdb" /Gd /TP /wd4503 /errorReport:qu
eue -bigobj C:\Users\Owner\libdynd\tests\pp\test_pp_arithmetic.cpp C:\Users\
insertinterestingnamehere / enable_for.cpp
Created September 15, 2015 17:33
This shows how to enable a template for an explicit list of types.
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T, typename... UsableTypes>
struct SearchImpl : std::is_same<T, UsableTypes>...
template<typename T, typename... UsableTypes>
struct Search : std::is_base_of<std::true_type, SearchImpl<T, UsableTypes...>>::type
insertinterestingnamehere / gist:ba7b72997e98626d672d
Created October 19, 2015 15:49
templated implicit conversion
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T>
struct forward_type {
typedef T type;
class myint {
insertinterestingnamehere /
Last active October 7, 2020 09:36
This shows how to use SciPy's Cython-exposure of the BLAS and LAPACK libraries from within ctypes.
import numpy as np
import ctypes as ct
from scipy.linalg import cython_blas
#openblas = ct.CDLL("libopenblas.dll")
#dgemm = openblas.dgemm
ct.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer.restype = ct.c_void_p
ct.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer.argtypes = [ct.py_object, ct.c_char_p]
insertinterestingnamehere / mod.pxd
Created October 19, 2015 22:28
This shows how to wrap a C++ function in a capsule within Cython, how to call a function pointer wrapped in a capsule object, how to export that function as a part of the modules C API, and how to call that function from outside the module using ctypes.
cdef double cymul(double, double) nogil
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#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <typeinfo>
template <typename T, T... I>
struct integer_sequence {
enum { size = sizeof...(I) };
typedef T value_type;
insertinterestingnamehere / arithmetic.cpp
Created April 7, 2016 23:45
Demonstrates a bug in MSVC 2015 Update 2
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>