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staltz /
Last active March 4, 2025 04:54
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
berzniz / jshipster_and_and.js
Last active May 22, 2022 23:15
Some small javascript hacks for hipsters
// Boring
if (isThisAwesome) {
alert('yes'); // it's not
// Awesome
isThisAwesome && alert('yes');
// Also cool for guarding your code
var aCoolFunction = undefined;
PaulCapestany / oi.js
Created August 4, 2013 00:43
Dan Kaminsky's DefCon RNG challenge
// TLDR: Oi, Barnes. We'll miss ya. Here's a grimy RNG in your honor.
// node oi.js or paste the below into your favorite browser's JS console.
// DEFCON CHALLENGE: Break this!
function millis() { return; }
function flip_coin() { n=0; then = millis()+1; while(millis()<=then) { n=!n; } return n; }
function get_fair_bit() { while(1) { a=flip_coin(); if(a!=flip_coin()) { return(a); } } }
function get_random_byte(){ n=0; bits=8; while(bits--){ n<<=1; n|=get_fair_bit(); } return n; }
report_console = function() { while(1) { console.log(get_random_byte()); }}