Following are the extensions required for neovim:
I use lazy.nvim
so, just add the following to your plugins table, or create a new file in lua/plugins/lsp.lua
return {
Following are the extensions required for neovim:
I use lazy.nvim
so, just add the following to your plugins table, or create a new file in lua/plugins/lsp.lua
return {
The following program sets a RTC with NTP time
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <RTCLib.h>
#include "time.h"
const char *ntpServer = "";
const long gmtOffset_sec = 0;
I daily drive XMonad on my Arch linux distro. For like 7 months, I had no idea how to change the GTK themes & cursor themes without using programs like lxappearance
Even when I used lxappearance
, it was very buggy and a bad experience in general. I will be explaining how to do all that with minimal dependencies.
I am assumiming that you use .xinitrc
to login, even if you don't you can still follow along.
All GTK applications get their theme from an environment variable GTK_THEME
. You can just add a line in your .xinitrc
export GTK_THEME=catppuccin-frappe-lavender-standard+default # This is the line
exec xmonad