git branch --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|master)" | xargs git branch -d
git fetch --prune
// A reference implementation of an API service that stores data in memory, | |
// and executes asynchronous CRUD operations on tasks and users. | |
// --- | |
// | |
// getUsers() : Promise{Array.<User>} | |
// getTasks() : Promise{Array.<Task>} | |
// updateTask(PartialTask) : Task | |
// createTask(NewTask) : Task | |
// deleteTask(id) : void | |
// |
(do | |
(print "How old are you? ") | |
(def currentAge (Integer/parseInt (read-line))) | |
(flush) | |
(println currentAge) | |
(print "At what age would you like to retire?") | |
(flush) | |
(def retirementAge (Integer/parseInt (read-line))) | |
(println retirementAge) | |
(def yearsToRetirement (- retirementAge currentAge)) |
rm -rf ./node_modules | |
npm cache clean --force | |
npm install --prefer-online |
.board-card .card-body .user-icons, | |
.board-card .card-body .notification-wrapper, | |
.card-header .static-task-progress { | |
display: none; | |
} | |
.board-column { | |
width: 400px; | |
} |
import {uniq} from 'lodash'; | |
/** | |
* Shallow compare two objects, returning those props that are different with values from `b`. | |
* @param {*} a | |
* @param {*} b | |
*/ | |
const diff = (a, b) => { | |
if (a === b) { | |
return {}; |
/** | |
* Setup parameterized tests for a dictionary of inputs and outputs. | |
* This allows you to run tests over a list of inputs and outputs, | |
* without much setup. For example: | |
* | |
* setupParameterizedTests(x => getFirstName(x))([ | |
* ['John M. Smith', 'John'], | |
* ['Joe Schmoe Jr.', 'Joe'] | |
* ]); | |
* |
<div id="modal">I am a modal. Click outside me to "close the modal", which actually closes the iframe.</div> | |
<div id="mask" /> | |
<style> | |
body { | |
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5); | |
} | |
#modal { | |
z-index: 1; |
sudo rm -rfv /Library/Caches/; sudo find /private/var/folders/ \( -name -or -name \) -exec rm -rfv {} \; ; sleep 3;sudo touch /Applications/* ; killall Dock; killall Finder |
# feed each line of text file to sed, which extracts url/filename, and outputs a curl command, which is fed to shell. | |
cat url-filename-list.txt | sed 's/\([^ ]*\) \(.*\)/curl "\1" -o "\2"/' | sh |