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Ivan Keller ivankeller

  • AXA Belgium
  • Belgium
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ivankeller / hdfs2Nas
Last active January 16, 2018 12:45
Workaround script to copy from hdfs file system to NAS when writing restrictions
# Workaround script to copy from hdfs file system to NAS
# solving permission limitation at writing on NAS directly with hdfs command
# Usage:
# $ hdfs2Nas <full path> <destination directory>
ivankeller /
Created January 16, 2018 14:38
Recreate a known user
# Recreate a user that was created previously
# TODO: this onworking script has the side effect of setting the ownership badly on user with
# previous same userid. Must be fixed.
# create user
adduser $username --home /data/users/$username
ivankeller /
Last active February 14, 2018 15:44
Function that tests if a point belongs to a interval modulo (i.e. an arc of circle)
def belongs_to(t, a, b):
"""Return True if t belongs to real number interval [a, b], False otherwise."""
return t >= a and t <= b
def is_in_arc(t, a, b, m=365):
"""Return True if t is in the interval [a, b] modulo m, False otherwise"""
t, a, b = [x % m for x in (t, a, b)] # convert all the values to their values modulo m
if a < b:
return belongs_to(t, a, b)
ivankeller /
Last active March 12, 2023 18:36
describe dataframe columns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def describe_df(df, cols=None, max_distinct=10):
"""Describe columns of given dataframe.
Return a dataframe with column name, type, nb of distinct values and nb of missing values
Missing values are counted as one distinct value.
Issue: if a column contains integer and missing values, pandas cast it in float and add .0 to the value.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def describe_df(df, cols=None, max_distinct=10):
"""Describe columns of given dataframe.
Return a dataframe with column name, type, nb of distinct values and nb of missing values
Missing values are counted as one distinct value.
Issue: if a column contains integer and missing values, pandas cast it in float and add .0 to the value.
ivankeller /
Last active May 5, 2023 13:35
function that output the string required for constructing a given Pandas dataframe (useful on tests)
def dataframe_constructor(df):
return "df = pd.DataFrame(%s)" % (str(df.to_dict()).replace("nan"," float('nan')").replace('array', 'np.array'))
ivankeller /
Created May 22, 2019 11:59
sub sample two-class sets into subsets given a ratio of items
import pytest
import numpy as np
def r_cut(x0: float, x1: float, r: float) -> (float, float):
"""Return y0, y1 such that y1/y0 = r, y0<x0, y1<x1 and y0+y1 is maximum.
x0, x1 > 0
r >= 0 and <= 1
ivankeller / pipenv_jupyter.txt
Created November 16, 2019 14:04
add pipenv virtual environment to Jupyter notebook kernels
$ cd my_project #where Pipfile resides
$ pipenv install ipykernel
$ pipenv shell #if not already done before
(my-virtualenv-name) $ python -m ipykernel install --user --name=my-virtualenv-name
(my-virtualenv-name) $ jupyter lab #or jupyter notebook
ivankeller /
Created February 4, 2021 11:27
display the list of s3 buckets ready to select
#!/usr/bin/env python
import boto3
s3client = boto3.client('s3')
response = s3client.list_buckets()
for bucket in response['Buckets']:
ivankeller /
Created February 4, 2021 11:27
delete versioned AWS s3 buckets with boto3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# for listing and selecting the buckets you want to delete use gist
import boto3
# list of the bucket names you want to delete
def delete_versioned_bucket(s3resource, bucket_name):