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ivg /
Created June 19, 2013 04:05
A simple TCP broadcaster
open Lwt
let establish saddr caddr =
let open Lwt_io in
let str,push = Lwt_stream.create () in
let client (g,p) =
let rec loop () = write_chars p str >> loop () in
ignore_result (loop ()) in
let hsrv = establish_server saddr client in
lwt g,p = open_connection caddr in
ivg / broadcaster.mli
Created June 19, 2013 04:07
A simple TCP broadcaster (interface)
val establish: Unix.sockaddr -> Unix.sockaddr -> unit Lwt.t
(** [establish broadcast from] establishes a server, broadcasting
data from address [from] to [broadcast] *)
export CPATH=/opt/local/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib
export MANPATH=/opt/local/man
export LDFLAGS='-L/opt/local/lib'
export CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include'
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib
export LD_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/local/include
ivg /
Last active August 21, 2022 01:48
open Lwt
let block_size = 256 * 4096
let ifd = Lwt_unix.stdin
let ofd = Lwt_unix.stdout
let print spd =
Lwt_io.eprintf "%s\r" (Speed.to_string spd)
with Speed.Undefined -> return_unit
ivg / Vagrantfile
Created September 22, 2016 19:34
Bap Vagrant file with byteweight
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
# you're doing.
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# The most common configuration options are documented and commented below.
# For a complete reference, please see the online documentation at
ivg /
Created December 6, 2016 00:14
find all possible dictionary words that can be built from a given set of characters
1. install opam
2. install core_kernel library: `opam install core_kernel`
3. build with `ocamlbuild -pkg core_kernel scabble.native`
4. run as `./scrabble.native /usr/share/dict/american-english`
open Core_kernel.Std
open Format
ivg /
Created March 9, 2017 19:55
Minimal MIPS lifter for BAP
open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std
open Or_error.Monad_infix
module Insn = Disasm_expert.Basic.Insn
module Mips = struct
(** Defines the register map *)
module CPU = struct
let mem = Var.create "mem" @@ mem32_t `r8
ivg / Vagrant
Created September 26, 2017 13:34
BAP Vagrant file with the emacs development environment
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "ubuntu/trusty64"
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.memory = "4096"
config.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, inline: <<-SHELL
sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:avsm/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get --yes install opam
opam init --auto-setup --comp=4.02.3 --yes
ivg /
Created September 27, 2017 12:20
Computes cyclomatic complexity of all functions in a binary
import bap
import networkx as nx
def build_cfg(sub):
G = nx.DiGraph()
entry = sub.blks[0].id.number
for blk in sub.blks:
for jmp in blk.jmps:
if jmp.constr == 'Goto' and == 'Direct':
ivg /
Created September 27, 2017 12:22
Computes cyclomatic complexity of all functions in a binary Raw
open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std
open Graphlib.Std
module G = Graphs.Cfg
let complexity graph =
let edges = Seq.length (G.edges graph) in
let nodes = Seq.length (G.nodes graph) in
let parts = Graphlib.strong_components (module G) graph |>