Hi there! Thanks for offering me a coding assigment test. I see that this can be a useful method to compare different candidates applying for the XYZ-Role. I would like to kindly ask if you have some leeway in finding an alternative way to evaluate my coding skills? I have written a number of open-source projects/spoke at conferences/worked as a coding-teacher/did XYZ and I would love to showcase this to your engineers:
These are just some projects I picked that demonstrate not just skill in programming but also in math, design and XYZ.
Please can I kindly ask you to check with your engineers and/or the hiring manager to perhaps have a look/conduct a code review and/or ask me to add a feature or resolve a bug?
I checked that ABC is doing a lot of XYZ and I opened a Github issue extra for ABC (LINK TO GITHUB ISSUE). I can program this feature/fix that bug within a given timeframe and then discuss the written code with one of your engineers?