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Jaan Lı 李 PhD jaanli

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jaanli /
Last active May 5, 2024 13:04
Large language model (LLM) helper script to copy context into long-context-window language models to improve their ability to help users with programming tasks.
# Instructions:
# 0. Install prerequisites using a package manager: `brew install tree rectangle maccy` (`tree` is a command line utility for transmitting the directory structure to large language models in a compressed format; `rectangle` is a utility for managing screen state and having a LLM on the left of the screen and a code editor/interactive development environment like Jupyter Lab or Visual Studio Code on the right of the screen using keyboard shortcuts; `maccy` is for having a keyboard shortcut to display clipboard history, as there are few solutions like that enable saving of previous prompts and code in accessible ways using keyboard shortcuts!)
# 1. Copy and paste the contents of this bash script into a file: `code /usr/local/bin/`
# 2. Make this new file executable: `chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/`
# 3. Test it in a directory, by running ``, which should
jaanli / Listening to Articles Read Out Loud to You Using Artificial
Created May 23, 2024 13:18
The best screen reader apps for consuming written content on the go (iPhone / Android apps, etc)

If you want to read (i.e. listen to!) content that is:

  1. On the web: use the Microsoft Edge browser read aloud feature (
  1. Words in a PDF: use the Elevenlabs app:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jaanli on github.
  • I am thejaan ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 979F 2FA9 730B E3DA 3648 0671 BE63 0220 3150 FB60

To claim this, I am signing this object:

i tell my mother in law: don't trust people's intentions; everyone will tell you how they have the best of intentions.

instead, i tell her what i tell my students of data thinking: learn to listen to what people have to say - then see what they do. then think about how much you can understand of the numbers and incentives at play behind what they say and what they do.

trust people's actions. you can see and verify them for yourself:

do they listen to your puerile humor, your poop jokes? Your bad accents?

do they tell you what's on their mind, through tears of laughter or fear, and trust that the risk of pooping your party is worth having a difficult conversation?