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To all that makes us unique

Jacob Salmela jacobsalmela

To all that makes us unique
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un33k / sed cheatsheet
Created August 22, 2011 13:28
magic of sed -- find and replace "text" in a string or a file
# double space a file
sed G
# double space a file which already has blank lines in it. Output file
# should contain no more than one blank line between lines of text.
sed '/^$/d;G'
mlafeldt / elf.h
Last active September 13, 2024 16:49
elf.h for OSX
/* This is the original elf.h file from the GNU C Library; I only removed
the inclusion of feature.h and added definitions of __BEGIN_DECLS and
__END_DECLS as documented in
On macOS, simply copy the file to /usr/local/include/.
Mathias Lafeldt <[email protected]> */
/* This file defines standard ELF types, structures, and macros.
ogrrd / dnsmasq OS
Last active February 18, 2025 17:27
Setup dnsmasq on OS X

Never touch your local /etc/hosts file in OS X again

To setup your computer to work with *.test domains, e.g. project.test, awesome.test and so on, without having to add to your hosts file each time.



gregneagle / gist:6957826
Last active July 24, 2024 09:28
Using PyObjC and NSWorkspace to set the desktop picture. I am such a hypocrite!
'''Uses Cocoa classes via PyObjC to set a random desktop picture on all screens.
Tested on Mountain Lion and Mavericks.
thewellington /
Last active October 27, 2018 06:11
Prevent CrashPlan from de-duplicating data on a Mac. Improves transfer speed! #mac #blog #crashplan
# for Macintosh OS X 10.9 (and probably earlier versions)
# This script will prevent CrashPlan from de-duplicating data on files greater than 1k.
# Based on information from
# NOTE: Must be run with sudo! IE: $ sudo sh ./crashplanFixup
# v1.1 2014-03-13 by [email protected]
jorng / progressBar.applescript
Last active July 7, 2019 13:17
Simple AppleScript progress bar demo for Yosemite
set progress description to "A simple progress indicator"
set progress additional description to "Preparing…"
set progress total steps to -1
delay 5
set progress total steps to 100
repeat with i from 1 to 100
set progress additional description to "I am on step " & i
FIELDS = ['cmd', 'command', 'start', 'end', 'delta', 'msg', 'stdout', 'stderr']
def human_log(res):
if type(res) == type(dict()):
for field in FIELDS:
if field in res.keys():
encoded_field = res[field].encode('utf-8')
print '\n{0}:\n{1}'.format(field, encoded_field)
marcellodesales /
Last active November 14, 2023 19:22
One-liner REST server using netcat - nc
rm -f out
mkfifo out
trap "rm -f out" EXIT
while true
cat out | nc -w1 -l 1500 > >( # parse the netcat output, to build the answer redirected to the pipe "out".
export REQUEST=
while read line
line=$(echo "$line" | tr -d '[\r\n]')
somebox /
Last active December 11, 2021 13:05 — forked from foz/
Set up an OSX machine from zero to awesome. Uses Homebrew (and cask, fonts, etc). Focused on Ruby/Rails development, includes rvm, xquartz, editor fonts, sublime text, and many tools.
# A script to set up a new mac. Uses bash, homebrew, etc.
# Focused for ruby/rails development. Includes many utilities and apps:
# - homebrew, rvm, node
# - quicklook plugins, terminal fonts
# - browsers: chrome, firefox
# - dev: iterm2, sublime text, postgres, chrome devtools, etc.
# - team: slack, dropbox, google drive, skype, etc
# As written, this requires the following:
# - OS X 10.6+ (may not work in 10.10, haven't tested)
# - python 2.6 or 2.7 (for collections.namedtuple usage, should be fine as default python in 10.6 is 2.6)
# - pyObjC (as such, recommended to be used with native OS X python install)
# Only tested and confirmed to work against 10.9.5
# Run with root