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brew install --cask ableton-live-suite adobe-creative-cloud handbrake little-snitch notion postico sublime-text transmission transmit vlc spotify grammarly discord postman docker iterm2 cursor
# Find all tables and when they were last vacuumed/analyzed, either manually or automatically
SELECT relname,
FROM pg_stat_all_tables
WHERE schemaname = 'public'
ORDER BY last_vacuum DESC;
jakedahn /
Created July 31, 2020 02:28 — forked from yougg/
complete ways to set http/socks/ssh proxy environment variables

set http or socks proxy environment variables

# set http proxy
export http_proxy=http://PROXYHOST:PROXYPORT

# set http proxy with user and password

# set http proxy with user and password (with special characters)
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd dotfiles
jakedahn / install-comodo-ssl-cert-for-nginx.rst
Created July 24, 2018 20:32 — forked from bradmontgomery/install-comodo-ssl-cert-for-nginx.rst
Steps to install a Comodo PositiveSSL certificate with Nginx.

Setting up a SSL Cert from Comodo

I use as a registrar, and they resale SSL Certs from a number of other companies, including Comodo.

These are the steps I went through to set up an SSL cert.

Purchase the cert

jakedahn / windows_privesc
Created February 23, 2018 01:46 — forked from sckalath/windows_privesc
Windows Privilege Escalation
// What system are we connected to?
systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version"
// Get the hostname and username (if available)
echo %username%
// Get users
net users
net user [username]
jakedahn /
Created March 24, 2016 19:09 — forked from dannguyen/
Using Google Cloud Vision API to OCR scanned documents to extract structured data

Using Google Cloud Vision API's OCR to extract text from photos and scanned documents

Just a quickie test in Python 3 (using Requests) to see if Google Cloud Vision can be used to effectively OCR a scanned data table and preserve its structure, in the way that products such as ABBYY FineReader can OCR an image and provide Excel-ready output.

The short answer: No. While Cloud Vision provides bounding polygon coordinates in its output, it doesn't provide it at the word or region level, which would be needed to then calculate the data delimiters.

On the other hand, the OCR quality is pretty good, if you just need to identify text anywhere in an image, without regards to its physical coordinates. I've included two examples:

####### 1. A low-resolution photo of road signs
