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copying files

James S White jameswhite

copying files
View GitHub Profile
var menuObjects = {
"no_object": [
iconid: "knob-cancel",
source: "/static/images/knob_cancel.png",
width: 32,
height: 32,
text: "Cancel",
action: "remove_menus",
<connection id="9b148dd7-3e32-4845-ae78-e482723d9281" name="(" host="" port="636" encryptionMethod="LDAPS" authMethod="SIMPLE" bindPrincipal="uid=jameswhite,ou=People,dc=eftdomain,dc=net" bindPassword="ThisIsNotMyRealPassword">
<extendedProperty key="ldapbrowser.aliasesDereferencingMethod" value="1"/>
<extendedProperty key="ldapbrowser.pagedSearchScrollMode" value="true"/>
<extendedProperty key="ldapbrowser.timeLimit" value="0"/>
<extendedProperty key="ldapbrowser.fetchBaseDns" value="true"/>
<extendedProperty key="ldapbrowser.pagedSearch" value="false"/>
<extendedProperty key="ldapbrowser.fetchSubentries" value="false"/>
<extendedProperty key="ldapbrowser.referralsHandlingMethod" value="1"/>
<extendedProperty key="ldapbrowser.pagedSearchSize" value="100"/>
[root@beech ~]# proxyoff
Proxy environment variables removed.
[root@beech ~]# iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
[root@beech ~]# iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination
[root@beech ~]# wget --no-check-certificate -qO /dev/null; echo $?; wget -qO /dev/null; echo $?;
## % define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
%define __perl_requires %{SOURCE98}
## % define __find_requires %{SOURCE99}
Name: squid
Version: 3.3.8
Release: 3%{?dist}
Summary: The Squid proxy caching server
Epoch: 7
# See CREDITS for breakdown of non GPLv2+ code
"title": "Automated PR Test",
"body": "Please pull this in!",
"head": "cfengine:lab",
"base": "lab"
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: token ccccccoooooooooooooooccccccccccckkkkkkkk"
... returns PR data for PR #9 as unmerged...
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token ccccccoooooooooooooooccccccccccckkkkkkkk"
Suresh> James, You still you need to go to the service center to get the self installation kit at free of cost.
James_> I already have the self installation kit, still in the box, still in the shrink-wrap from the last time someone at Comcast told me I needed it.
Suresh> James, I can understand this, however, there is a requirement of activation number to get the service started and in this kit you will get the activation number to start your new account at your new location.
James_> not sure what having two unopened self-install kits will get me.
James_> yeah I just call them for that.
James_> Sure, whatever, I'll go pick one up for free then.
Suresh> Thank you for your understanding!
curl -u 'jameswhite:I<3t3hK@wk!'\
-X POST -d '{ "title": "${LAST_COMMIT_MSG}","body": "${LAST_COMMIT_MSG}","head": "${GITHUB_USERNAME}:lab","base": "lab"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Works as expected
curl -X POST -d '{ "title": "${LAST_COMMIT_MSG}","body": "${LAST_COMMIT_MSG}","head": "${GITHUB_USERNAME}:lab","base": "lab"}' \
-H "Authorization: token ${PERSO_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
ProxyCommand ssh -AW %h:%p [email protected]
# start with wheezy
apt-get install -y autoconf build-essential git-core file libncurses5-dev libudev-dev libtool pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev screen ocl-icd-opencl-dev
# The version of libusb that ships with wheezy won't work, so we statically link against this one (don't make install it)
[ ! -d /opt/local/src ] && mkdir -p /opt/local/src; cd /opt/local/src
wget -qO libusb-1.0.16-rc10.tar.bz2 ""
tar xvjf libusb-1.0.16-rc10.tar.bz2
cd libusb-1.0.16-rc10 && ./configure && make && export MYLIBDIR=$(pwd)